
Government Staff

20 Years ago, when Mario Conde exemplified the financial pitch, the Spanish university students wanted greater become entrepreneurs. Already with the banker in jail, they preferred to be officials. And the Administration has dutifully satisfied his desires: while in all 27 countries of the EU it has declined 1.4% the number of staff in this decade, in Spain has grown by 32%. Now in full economic crisis, taking the State that trimming the budget deficit, rather than lose weight the cost of this collective, as it would be expected, increases their salaries by 4%. What a paradox! To compensate for the nonsense, the Vice President Elena Salgado announced that of every ten retired staff are amortised as nine of them. I.e., that instead of distributing the work to not destroy more jobs, are predicts a further increase in unemployment, this time via the officialdom. And is that the Government of Rodriguez Zapatero, just to not undertake reforms in depth financial, fiscal, labour, you are creating a economic Monster coup of patches, improvisations, and several occurrences. Already at the time, Minister Jordi Sevilla wanted to reform the Statute of the civil service, introducing the criteria of mobility, efficiency and up to contractual termination and, instead of get it, was he himself put paws on the street by his boss. Excess of well-to-do in Spain superb professional staff many of them, with duplication of functions between the various administrations of the State, finally evidenced the lack of criterion and rigour in channelling our collective economic future.

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Europe Term

We have two types of refinancing possible for individuals, namely: on the one hand, the refinancing of debt could be modification of the payment obligations of the debtor through extension of its period of maturity or the establishment of other obligations in lieu of those, what entails in practice the possibility of negotiating with creditors, periods of lack even the extension of the maturities of obligations, which would entail a higher interest payment, but a monthly amortization lower. By another, the refinancing, reunification or debt consolidation, could lead to the hiring of a loan of greater amount with collateral, which become short-term cash obligations obligations of term to long term, with increased economic spending in interest and other costs of formalization, but with monthly repayments more affordable. The need of refinancing, debt consolidation, or reunification is derived from a sudden, current insolvency situation, when the debtor fails to comply with his payment obligations or when insolvency is imminent, i.e., expected in the short term, it will start to renege on their payment obligations. It is possible to even that to produce the insolvency, the situation worsens with the inclusion of the debtor in the files of delinquent, situation that will make more difficult the refinancing of debt. So it is that the profile of the mediator must be very professional, with capacity for negotiation, communication skills, adaptability and ability to design an appropriate plan for the needs of consumers and be fair with the interests of financial institutions, i.e. need negotiate seeking the reconciliation of interests. Therefore, the first conclusion we extract is that refinancing, debt consolidation, or reunifiacion is a financial, bad operation from technical and economic point of view, the costs that supposed to cancel the foregoing obligations and constitute the new. However, this may be the only option when there is a breach of credit obligations or breach thereof is expected in the short term. From our point of view, the refinancing, reunification or debt consolidation, should be undertaken not only with enlargement of capital or fresh money, should be pursued, so that it is profitable, with a negotiation with all creditors involved, which includes the procedural representation, if applicable, (allowing pose a legal tactic) in order to achieve a fair settlement for parties that do not in the medium term a situation of insolvency.

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AES Corporations

Within the most adventurous companies in this new world of F & A, the Americans have remained at the top of the activity. Mark Barnes, Executive of KPMG referred as well to observed performance in U.S. companies in the first half of the year: Although U.S. companies have been strongly affected by the economic slowdown, continued willingness to enter emerging markets show signs of their understanding that the international presence is the key to a company of the 21st century. According to KPMG, U.S. companies conducted 88 acquisitions in emerging markets or rapidly growing, mainly in Central Europe and the East, followed by China, less than the 122 agreements reached in the second half of last year, when China was the largest country for this type of agreements. Despite the fall in the first half of the year, the trend shows signs of reversal in the F & A and even, are up to watching movements of important companies such as Kfrat (NYSE:KFT), which bid to acquire Cadbury (NYSE:CBY), Deutsche Telekom (NYSE:DT) by Sprint Nextel (NYSE:s). He also received offers to buy National Express, it is progressing at the expected merger between Iberia and British Airways and became public interest from sovereign wealth funds by electric as Areva or AES Corporations (NYSE: AES).

Logic would indicate that this period of recovery, normal would see F & A given medium sized companies financing difficulties for making large acquisitions. There is not a single reason that is leading companies to evaluate the possibility of a merger or making an acquisition. The motivation to join the rival can be a necessity to survive.

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Personal Finance Course

Also, if you have a good product and you have well managed business, it is that there will be many people who will seek to buy your product, so you will have to force yourself to damage your sales and thus follow the path of poverty. Investor, forget it, is almost impossible for an investor to pay taxes. Here’s why: most of the investments that pay high yields are recorded with taxes, but the majority of investors have losses that offset those taxable income. Now, if your you invest in products of lower profitability, as the bonds of the State, it is that these are usually tax-free. Basically, no matter how how you look, being an investor simply not going to be poor. It is much easier to reach poverty working 40 + hours per week in a job, than sitting on a leather sofa being the owner of a collection of investments.

Being poor? Stay and defend your job and your salary. # 6 Assets and liabilities looks like something that people simply cannot understand is the concept of the cash flow (Cash flow). The best way to explain it is that in the cash flow assets give you eat and liabilities you bleed every month. If you want to be poor trafficking qualify for the largest mortgage you can. That money comes out of your Pocket every month will take you quickly to the path of poverty.

Now I know what you’re thinking a House is an asset then you are producing money through capital gains. Incorrect! We are talking about CASH FLOW, assets and liabilities. The mortgage of a House will only decrease your monthly cash flow and only will increase in the month you sell, if you manage to sell it some people more poor people we know have houses very, very large. If you manage a contract of mortgage with the greater possible time, while longer better, this undoubtedly will help in the way poverty. # 7 MAKING THE COMMITMENT. You have to have the desire, you can do it. If you can handle the way many, many taxes, spend all your time in a job that gives you a wage insurance, avoid always start your own business, never educate yourself financially or make any type of investment, you’ll be poor. There is simply no way around it. It may be that your appearance is not poor, because to keep in the negative terrain that monthly cash flow, you may have to drive a large and elegant car and living in a giant House. But, as long as expenses are greater than the income you’re progressing towards obtaining cherished poverty. It is that simple. You spend more of what they earn, every month. Gives all your money to the rich and not you you forget to pay your taxes. Pretty simple, yes or no? Now you know how to be poor. But if what you are interested in is the opposite, i.e. having enough revenue to eliminate the financial problem of your life and dedicate yourself to do what you like and are interested in, we suggest you start your financial education. The school’s wealth have online and classroom courses.

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