The human being makes everything for interest. Gratuitousness in its gestures, action or positions does not exist. It makes, always it says and if it relates from personal interests. It is truth that somebody could object, saying that: ' ' I am not thus. I make things in my interest, but also I defend the interests of others. When I make good actions or I help somebody, I do not make it thinking about me, but in whom it receives the good that fao' ' The reply to these objections it is born of the investigation: When this person makes the good, makes this really thinking about the other or thinking that the other will devote gratitude to it? She makes the good, he is solidary, she helps the needed ones, because they need or because she will feel herself well with its conscience? We come back to our affirmation: always, in that we make what it moves in them are our interests. Nor always they are economic interests.
Nor always they will be stingy interests. Nor always they will be interests unprincipled people, antiethical, self-centered. But always we act for our interests. It is the case of solidarity. What it moves in them to be solidary is not the necessity of the other, but our necessity not to be badly with our conscience.
Not to be with the conscience in accusing not to have done what we could have done is that we make what we make, in the solidarity acts. Other times we make the good because this most becomes in them accepted in the society. E, even so is not an act of would mesquinharia, thinks thus: ' ' I go to make what all wait that I make therefore if not to make will be badly seen for they know whom me or for the society.
11.26.15Political Poulization
The political populization do not have their correlate in the economy. That the Venezuelans say to it, but, where its greater originating entrance of the petroleum, and that he would drive to reforms that really increase the well-being of the economy of the country, it seems to be being ultilizado in making political. Their commentaries a can send me: With the Price of Petroleum at its Better Moment, Chvez Every time Worse Buenos Aires, Argentina 20 of March of 2008 the price of the crude one is at the moment in levels never reached If, it is truth that reached levels record in nominal terms But the strong growth of the quote of the barrel of crude which it experimented from the past year caused that the income of the oil countries were increased strongly. He is for that reason that one can think that Hugo Chavez would be happening through one of its better moments to the front of Venezuela. Clear that this would be truth if everything were limited which it happens with petroleum. Perhaps the fact to see an Hugo Chavez very put in the subjects of other countries or in using their energies in confronting with the EE.UU can make think that are no great problems in its Venezuela But the reality seems to indicate that it is not so thus. The problems by which it crosses the Venezuelan town seem to be of such magnitude that, paradoxicalally for a government that it tries to be Populist, the approval of the management of the Venezuelan government is in the minimum level in five years, being located in around 34%, and with a strong fall against 43% that it had at the end of 2007. This data really surprised to me and it generated the following question to me: What can be happening in Venezuela like so that the popularity of Chvez it has fallen of such way? I intuit that they have not been nor the intervention in the conflict between Ecuador and Colombia, nor the reiterated fights with George W..
11.22.15Economy And Politics In The Same Plane
Excitement about Westerwelle travel companion and the defeat of Airbus in the United States. Excitement reigns in parliaments and in the press; the events seem fundamentally different: Guido Westerwelle is again this time to his administration as Secretary of State – hard in the criticism. The selection of his travel companions abroad seems heavily of personal and party friendships. At least many old acquaintances, and including not only his life partner are piled, members of the business delegations usual on such occasions. At the same time it was other European capitals accusations in the wake of the EADS decision to withdraw from the bid battle the order”armor of the century” in the United States from Paris, Berlin and – in rare bipartisan agreement -. The selection process to the re-equipment of the army with tanker aircraft, which now already for the third time over the award of the contract should be decided, was apparently (with hindsight!) strongly been tailored to the offer of the American manufacturer Boeing. The heavy guns, which are now operated on are “Abuse of authority” on the one side, “Protectionism” on the other side. But what have the two cases – except for the heated comments – to do with each other? Well, except for the fact that aircraft here in a way constitute the “corpora delicti”, the Zankapfel, like there, it comes to the special relationship that combines politics and economy in the foreign trade.
Also the World Trade Organization (WTO), free trade zones (such as the NAFTA of North America) and even the European single market, in which the economic link of the Member States has reached a very high degree, in this area nothing fundamental changed: as soon as the economy of a nation operates across their borders, the nation-State in a sense sees itself as a business Agency and represents the interests of the own economy first and foremost. This is true all over the world, and usually deals with the State attention to the interests of big economic actors. That Foreign Minister Westerwelle seems slightly less calm than its predecessor takes people of own “network” on business trips, and one of those people that is also his life partner, you can call politically insensitive, and at some point, you must also criticize it. But – as well as in the case of the accompanying journalists – the Chancellor’s Office or the Foreign Ministry different make together delegations depending on the “Color” of the respective heads, is, however, so banal as anything in politics. When SPD General Secretary Nahles so speaks of business delegations as a “matter of course”, on the other hand the “mixing” economic with the interests of State warns, this is nothing more than a logical nonsense. Excited – and foolish still – sound the rants about us “protectionism” in the face of the tanker competition and the withdrawal of Airbus/EADS. Because there is no sector of the economy in which national calculus played a bigger role than just the arms industry. The almost incredible waste of taxpayers of European citizens in the cases of the “Eurofighter” combat aircraft or the troop transporter Airbus “A 400 M” – equivalent offerings could have been bought elsewhere just finished at a fraction of the total – were, if anything, never otherwise politically to justify. We had seen the parliaments in Berlin or Paris, as the mass acquisition of Russian “MIG 29” or “Antonov 147” (the much more powerful counterpart to “Eurofighter” and “A 400 M”) decide. Everyone have a good flight. Andreas Kellner news /…
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Barack Obama
Theme day \”Renewable energies\” on October 31, 2009 in top chess therefore on October 31, 2009 organized a day on the subject of renewable energy the seminar House of Knights of Justice and the municipality of upper chess. The company was charged with the planning, organization and implementation of dull entertainment from Grafenau. The possibilities and aspects are presented in various lectures and presentations. The presentation followed by discussion with the topic of sunny Outlook by Dr. Franz Alt, is at the heart of the event in the the show is how each can immediately benefit from the use of renewable energy. \”We will use the Sun, wind, and Earth, to fuel our cars and run our factories.
And we are going to reform our schools, colleges and universities, to meet the requirements of a new era. We can do all that. \”And we will do all of this,\” says Barack Obama. The issue of energy is the most important issue of in world politics the energy challenge of our time is Sun policy, so the opinion of Dr. Franz Alt. Also a new economic era begins with the new time.
The global economy headed into a green era that will bring no less revolutionary changes in the 21st century, as once the invention of the steam engine, railway, telephone or telecommunications. Economic growth and at the same time fewer and fewer CO2 emissions are possible. The success of the German renewable energy law has proved that. Since the year 2000 3,000 megawatts of renewable energy have been installed every year. More than 200,000 jobs have been created here. In 46 countries, this German law adopted so far in China and India. Today, the Sun sends 10,000 15,000 times as much energy to the Earth as all people consume the wind currents include 308 times as much energy as is consumed in one day fifteen times more biomass as would be needed for energy production worldwide grows and usable hydropower contains about half of the energy that we convert this day theory again enough so the solar energy far to replace the today’s environmentally destructive energy mix of coal, oil, gas and nuclear.
11.19.15VIII Politics
The security of the information must also protect the assets and people who work or manipulate the information, in order to guarantee that the interested people in the information, as customers, partners, and the proper institution has safe, trustworthy and available an information whenever necessary. To take care of these necessities, they are elaborated manual of better practical, politics of use of services, politics of access and authentication, beyond directive of groups, among others controls, with the objective to foment the creation of one politics of security that they enclose all and any asset that adds value to the businesses of the company and that they need to be protected. Enterprise VI.Logstica – Governana of YOU – the quick company for the company all a service of logistic lined up the governana of YOU, searching to structuralize and to organize the relationship between people, processes and technology inside of the target of organization. It is exactly this that the area of logistic search to make, executing the organizacional planning, stimulating the contract management with suppliers of technological services and the internal processes, searching a balance between the institution and its suppliers, partners, customers, competitors and agencies fiscalizadores providing the institucional security with the organization. VII.Servios of telecommunication – the company Inter-measured the act of contract of lines of communication of data for the diverse agencies of the State of Par, giving assessorship in the accompaniment of its installation and operation, keeping resident technician and support 24/7 to guarantee the efficiency of the given services. Digital VIII.Certificao; It possesss the interest to mount an infrastructure of public keys (authority certifier), in set with other agencies and institutions of the State, with responsibility for the management, renewal and revocation of digital certificates for its customers, making possible the adoption of the digital signature in its electronic documents, starting to guarantee the integrity, authenticity and not the repudiation of the information.
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