Algerian Political Issues

The Algerian ministry of the Foreign affairs was cautious when it said in a cautious form: ‘ ‘ It seems that the attack was the work of a terrorist group.’ ‘ The movement of the Front of Polisrio that it intends to separate of Morocco and to create an independent country the Saara Occidental person, does not have doubt, of what each time more is contradicted in detriment of an other people’s force. The triple kidnapping of the night of Saturday for Sunday in the southwest of Algeria, place where Al Qaeda in Magrebe Islmico is forged (AQMI), the seita African north of the terrorist organization. The Algerian State, that receives the fields in its territory, must assume its responsibility ahead of the degradante situation each time more in the fields of Tindouf, there none it fulfills the law nor it accepts orders politics, because one ‘ ‘ group terrorista’ ‘ it can be supported as much time, asset and acts to dilute the climate of peace and negotiations that involve Morocco and Saraninaos on the future of sara occidental person. Brahim Ghali, as representative of this group separatista in Algeria, it accuses directly Al Qaeda in Magrebe of the kidnapping of these three foreigners, where the Front of the Polisario if he involves without respito nor to accept the law and to observe the human rights manipulated by other people’s ideology. The Algerian Ministry of the Foreign affairses was, through its spokesman, To love Belani, acted a little more cautious when it said: ‘ ‘ Although it seems the work of a terrorist group, prefers to reserve my commentary (…) ‘ ‘ it indicated. The midnight to passed Saturday was next, certainties men on board an car type jeeps had invaded the zone of Rabuni. This is the administrative center of the intended one self-proclaimed Republic Arab Democratic Sarau (RASD), on to the Algerian city of Tindouf. they had been there until the building where they found the foreign humanitarian workers, who have been taken to an unknown place.

| June 20th, 2012 | Posted in General |

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