Another important advantage – these men are very rarely change. But there are negative – they do not tolerate cheating. Agree, for the sake of such men can be put up with it not such a big disadvantage? We go further: a man sleeping on his side, carefully sheltered with a blanket and taking position of the fetus. Such a man is not too sure of himself. Even if it all evening portrayed themselves as the fatal man in soul he needs to be protected just as much as you.
He needed more one more mother than wife. Although, my mother also could be called a companion of life. And why not? For family life, these men are absolutely not designed: they are fathers, gently say, useless, and you will have to take more than give. So with such a man can forget about a new coat, restaurants and other small women's pleasures. In addition, promotions to them is unlikely to shine. But there is a plus – they as well as the first type, rarely change their wives.
The next posture – you sleep with a man face to face (he was lying on its side, pressing against you). This is the type of home. He does not care what is happening in the world, above his personal comfort. This egoists. As soon as you stop to give him a warm, caring, affection, and soup for lunch, he quickly finds a new love. This "man-sparklers. Bright, but brief. This type is also not the best option for creating a family.
| April 13th, 2011 | Posted in General |