
Biofireplaces in the Russian market of foreign production, so like other imported goods did not benefit from the effects of devaluation. Retail elephants trying to find a balance between stimulating consumer activity and an increase in prices of wholesale deliveries. What happens next? Salons for sale bio fireplaces, in 2008 became rich in a variety of positive developments: first, sell bio fireplaces have increased significantly, they have become accustomed consumers, many interior design studio and building-repair firms have started to use Biofireplaces interior of its customers, and secondly, on the Russian market have increased their presence known, several European and world producers bio fireplaces. Prices bio fireplaces, as well as any other imported goods over the past 4 months have undergone all the hardships of the weakening national currency. Russian suppliers and retailers bio fireplaces were faced with a choice: to halt the rise in prices and give holiday discounts, thereby stimulating growth in sales of bio fireplaces of the old stock for immediate working capital, or gradually develop long-term strategy, in which the price increase due to increased foreign currency – it inevitable. In December and January, major distributors of bio fireplaces in Russia, held talks with European suppliers conditions of supply of bio fireplaces, but a lot of progress in this matter was reached. Some weakening of the negative trends occurred in January, when the mechanism triggered pent-up demand.

While the currency's value has grown, potential buyers bio fireplaces at this time is much faster resolution and implement their choices. However, after the rise of the dollar has stopped, the trend pent-up demand was exhausted. In anticipation of the start of a new construction season, the activity of producers and sellers of bio fireplaces has increased. The average cost of bio fireplaces compared to the same month last year increased by 20%. During the 2009 season and expect further price increases.

| January 29th, 2014 | Posted in General |

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