Catalan Autonomous Government

Alberto Degrees 20m the vice-president of the Constitutionalist, Eugeni Gay, and the magistrates Javier Delgado and Elisa Perez explain in three letters the reasons of their resignations in the TC. " The things leave better when the Constitution is fulfilled and leave worse when not cumple" , it indicates judge Thin Javier. THE LETTERS IN PDF: Eugeni Gay Thin Javier Elisa Perez. " &quot had the sensation to comprise of a kidnapped Court;. They are words of the vice-president of the Constitutionalist, Eugeni Gay, that along with the magistrates Javier Delgado and Elisa Perez has presented/displayed its resignation to try to force the renovation of the High Court, clogged for years. The TC lives a situation without precedents now.

Gay presented/displayed its resignation in a letter signed the past Wednesday 8 of June to the president of the Constitutionalist, Paschal Room, and in her it indicates that &quot is had; contravened the Constitucin" when being delayed during as much time the renovation of the Court. " The Constitution has been incomprehensible and unacceptably reduced because of the manifest breach on the part of Senate of its inescapable obligacin" to renew the court, it indicates the magistrate. Also it remembers that still has not been fill vacancies left by Robert Bald Garci’a, deceased in May of 2008, something that " it had not happened in the 31 years of history of this Court when, lamentably, similars took place circunstancias". Still the vice-president of the Constitutionalist (Paschal Room must accept its resignation so that he is ctiva) affirms that during the mandate of its predecessor, Maria Emilia Houses, &quot often insisted; of way infructuosa" in the necessity to go to the president of the Senate and the people in charge of the PSOE and the PP " so that they gave to fulfillment to the mandate constitucional" and they would renew to the magistrates designated by the Senate. " Lamentably it did not get to become, reason why in numerous occasions you heard to me say that secuestrado&quot had the sensation to comprise of a court; , it adds Gay, that remembers that the sentence that solved the resources against the Estatut of Catalonia it dictated with the four appointed magistrates by the Senate in functions, which motivated the protests of the Catalan Autonomous Government and the Catalan Parliament. Javier Delgado and Elisa Perez In a dated brief writing in this 13 of June, the magistrate Thin Javier justifies his decision remembering that " the Constitution has established a period of nine years for the exercise of the position of Magistrate of the Constitutional Court, period this that in my case has passed already very amply, because aos&quot has not been respected the constitutional mandate of renovation by third each three parts; " I have to emphasize that the things leave better when the Constitution is fulfilled and leave worse when not cumple" , it indicates Thin. On the other hand, Elisa Perez also remembers that they have passed " more than six meses" ever since its appointment like member of the Constitutional Court expired, reason why &quot is seen; in obligacin" to present/display its resignation. Perez indicates in their letter that has taken " a decision very meditated that first of all responds to reasons institucionales" , although also it mentions " personal reasons in which it does not come entrar". Source of the news: Resignations in the Constitutionalist: " It had the sensation to be in a Court secuestrado"

| June 20th, 2012 | Posted in General |

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