Consumer Protection

3. If you have already lost confidence in this model, a toaster, but the warm slices of toast in the morning you still enticing, you can ask the seller to replace your unit for the same, but different model, or even a different brand. However, if he turns out to be more expensive, you have to pay the difference. But if you choose cheaper model, the difference returned to you. 4. May happen that after all this to you and toasters do not want to watch. Then, instead of all of the above you can just require the seller paid for the good sum of money. As you can see, the legislator tried to ensure that you – the consumer, were the most protected.

But that's not all. In accordance with Art. 7, Article. 18 of the Law on Consumer Protection, you may require the seller to pay all damages incurred by you in the sale of goods of inadequate quality. For example, if you bought a sofa-book extra payment for his delivery, and then discovered that he had defective folding mechanism, you can refer to the seller to request a refund, not only for himself sofa, but also to reimburse the cost of delivery. It should be noted that the requirements relating to product defects, may be brought against the persons concerned in terms prescribed by law. There are warranty terms and expiration dates. Expiry dates are set for such products, such as food, household chemicals. Therefore, if you have spoiled sausages, which you kept in accordance with the directions on the package, and the expiration date has not expired, you may well ask the store where you purchased this sausage, and demand to return the paid money for it.

| February 14th, 2017 | Posted in General |

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