Current Societies

Although almost 150 years after the publication of the famous workmanship of Karl Marx, the Capital, the ideas had never been so current how much the self-destruction of the capitalism through the formation of an enormous group of workers left to the edge of the society on behalf of the search for the wild profit defended by the neo-liberalista ideology. World-wide the economic crisis in 2008, the problem of the public health in U.S.A., the growth of the unemployment in the European countries, the increase of the social inaquality in world-wide scope, amongst other situations as these, takes the capitalist countries to appeal to the aid of the State for the overcoming of these crises. It has a return, therefore, to the State of welfare state, however, with some marks of the neoliberal State. The flag of the social state, of the left politics had been comings to Brazil well, and had brought diverse benefits to the population, as stock market school, stock market family, pro I joined, amongst others, although not yet to be the sufficient until Brazil diminishes the cost of living of population, mainly, through the reduction of the taxes that are charged of excessive form of the citizens and, many times, the collected values are deviated from its real purposes. Moreover, the social inaquality, that is not a reality alone in Brazil, can clearly be perceived in the agricultural area, where great part of national lands is concentrated at the hands of few individuals, and in many cases, such properties are not fulfilling its function social, leaving of side the possibility to generate jobs and to give to sustenance the diverse Brazilian families.

It is in this point, mainly, that the national politics coincides with the marxist theory. Paulo Coelho oftentimes addresses this issue. Marx demonstrated that the fight of classrooms appeared from the privatization of lands, where always the detainer of the property dominated that one that if used of its proper man power to obtain its sustenance and throughout the history of the man, the ruling class was used of an ideological base to explain the domination and to prevent the conflict between the classrooms. The question on me the land distribution in Brazil is very delicate and field of many quarrels. Following the rules of Marx, the lands could not be unfruitful and to be at the hands of few, but yes, it would have to be distributed and to give to equal possibility to all those that also they possess the same right of living with dignity. What it is defended is the full exercise of the social function of the property and the chance all to contribute with the production, without needing to pass for degradantes conditions, as it occurred, during the elaboration of the marxist theory, with the laborers of the plants during the industrial revolution. It is concluded that the theory of Marx, although to have been developed has a century and way almost behind, still can serve as base for the current societies, contributing for the development of a legal science come back toward the efetivao of a material equality, in which the equal ones are dealt with equal form and the different ones of different form, providing a life worthy to that if they find to the edge of the society due to the historical process where the capitalist societies had been verified.

| March 10th, 2018 | Posted in General |

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