Design Studio

In Kharkov, operates automobile first night open-air cinema. Not in every city function avtokinoteatry. In the post-Soviet area were still open-air cinema, but their quickly shut down after the reorganization. And even if their function has never practiced avtokinoteatry. At the moment, any car owner can come in the evening at the site of the Kharkov avtokinoteatra reasonable fee, to tune in to a radio frequency and enjoy your movies. Genre broadcast film is very diverse and every motorist can easily find it interesting plot. Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz has firm opinions on the matter.

All the information about first Kharkov avtokinoteatre you can easily find on a single auto-Kharkov portal – http / /., the project was established design studio Fortune Design Studio (FDS), to bring together all the information fields into one automotive market infrastructure of the city of Kharkiv. The portal is topical and focuses exclusively on the target audience – Kharkov motorists. The undoubted advantage of this portal is convenient organized search engine, using which the visitor can easily find the information he needs, setting parameters of interest. Poster Kharkov avtokinoteatra located on the main page, auto-portal the form of banner. Poster quickly and constantly updated, it also indicated: the cost of entry to the zone avtokinoteatra, title, description and time of movies, travel card.

Presented material on our car portal creates favorable conditions for the search of any information, which is connected to the car it was the city of Kharkiv. At the forum auto-portal you will also have the ability to create or to discuss a new topic, in this case related to the avtokinoteatrom. Ie write their comments, suggestions at the expense of the repertoire of films and time of sessions. And also just discuss the movies that you saw there. We are building for the residents of our city convenient News space, which allows you to quickly find information. It is obvious that we are really doing Internet more useful.

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| January 13th, 2025 | Posted in General |

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