The proper Federal Constitution, imposes the bases where the public administration must be pautada. I castrate (2002, p.183) salient that: The public administration obeys the principles and norms established in the Federal Constitution (5 of October of 1988), in laws that regulate the rules constitutional and in other instruments disciplinadores of the operational aspects. … The public administration? direct, indirect or fundacional? being able of them of the Union, of the States, the Federal District and the Cities she will obey the principles of legality, impessoalidade, morality and advertising (art. 37). She is to have of the governing to implement these politics and is a right of the citizens to have these necessities taken care of. This relation becomes a species of public commitment. Amongst the diverse fields that are enclosed by the public politics, a special attention will be given to the health, in view of its importance and its problems.
The public politics in health, aim at the improvement of the conditions of health of the population and environments natural, social and of the work. It has as specific task the promotion, the protection and recovery of the health of the individuals and the collective. However, if the State not to offer a public health of quality, the work of an administrator, for example, is wronged, since if its employees will not be with the health in day, them will have its affected productivity. In this case of the administrator, this lack in the quality of the management of the health reflected in the employees, generates a species of vicious cycle. That is, the diligent one lacks to the work or works with a low income; the productivity of the company reduces or is of certain slower form; with this, little products go to the market, what it generates damage for the administrator in such a way, how much for the consumer of this product that can suffer to find this product in the market.
| June 9th, 2018 | Posted in General |