In this way, these diverse denominations contribute to conclude that the solidary economy if has become an alternative way capable to increase the number of jobs, to diminish the precarizao degree and to create the increasing notion of autonomy and right citizens. To finish theoretical boarding of this study, becomes necessary to point the term – solidary economic enterprises (EES) established by Gaiger Luiz. According to author (1999; 2001; 2002), under the light of the marxist theory, the EES represent a new social form of production for the modification of the principles and the ends of the economic organization. According to Gaiger (2003, P. 135), the EES are constituted of: ‘ ‘ diverse modalities of economic organization, originated of the free association of the workers, on the basis of principles of self management, cooperation, efficiency and viability. Agglutinating individuals excluded of the work market, or moved for the force of its certainties, to the search of collective alternatives of sobrevivncia’ ‘.
Finally, still as Gaiger (1999), the main characteristics and principles of the EES are: – self management, understood as the control of the management for the set of the associates and autonomy ahead of external agents; – democracy, express for the decisions taken for the set of the associates, through directive instances freely formed and elect, guaranteeing transparency in the exercise of the direction and fiscalization for independent agencies; – participation, guaranteed for the regularity and frequency in meetings, assemblies and consultations, with raised degree of attendances and mobilization of renewal mechanisms and alternation of the directive pictures; – igualitarismo, guaranteeing for criteria of remuneration for the work, an equitable division of the excesses and benefits, for the socialization of the capital and the permanent inexistence of others regimes of work for the activity-end; – cooperation, understood as the responsibility partilhada in the productive process, including relations and reciprocity, social parity between functions of direction and execution reliable or between manual and intellectual tasks; – self-sustainment, express in the productive activity generating of viability economic-financier, without comprometimento of the social and natural environment; – human development, that includes processes of formation of the conscience and integral education and initiatives of theoretical and professional qualification; – social responsibility, that estimates solidary ethics, socially compromised with improvements in the community and solidary relations of commerce, changes and interchange; practical generating of irradiador and multiplying effect.
| March 19th, 2018 | Posted in General |