Hinterland Center

The Historical of Territorializao in Colonial Brazil and Imperial Waves the territorial transformations that the area that today is Brazil suffered in the last centuries are imbricadas with the incessant processes of expansion of borders. The history of the borders in expansion in Brazil is, necessarily, a territorial history, since the expansion of a social group, with its proper territorial behavior, enters in shock with the territorialities of the groups that inhabit there. In this dynamics, we can identify the origins what Oliveira (1998) calls ‘ ‘ processes of territorializao’ ‘ that they appear in ‘ ‘ contexts intersocietrios’ ‘ of conflict. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In these contexts, the territorial behavior appears when the lands of a group are being invaded, in a dynamics where, internally, the defense of the territory becomes an unifying element of the group and, external, the pressures exerted for other groups or the government of the dominant society mold (and to the times they impose) other territorial forms. If quickly to cover the diverse processes of expansion of borders in colonial and imperial Brazil the settling of the coast in century XVI, followed per two centuries of the entrances to the interior for the bandeirantes; the occupation of the Amaznia and the escravizao of the indians in centuries XVII and XVIII; the establishment of plantations sugar and algodoeiras north-eastern in based centuries XVII and XVIII in the intensive use of African slaves; the expansion of the farms of cattle to the northeast Hinterland Center-West and the fronts of mining in Minas Gerais and the Center-West, both from century XVIII; the expansion of the cafeicultura in the Southeast in centuries XVIII and XIX. We can understand as each front of expansion produced a set proper of territorial shocks and as this it provoked new waves of territorializao on the part of the aboriginal peoples and the African slaves.

| April 23rd, 2020 | Posted in General |

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