Hunters Of Formats

Birth is beautiful and miraculous, but it is also a fact that, arriving in the world, we do it naked, alone and disoriented; who knows where we come from and where we are going. In our need to socialize us and be part of the collective, we grow, we look, we learn, we copy. We intuitively take the prevailing format of our environment to avoid being isolated. When children, the format acquires a dimension of survival and complacency; When adults, the format acquires a dimension of response and processing. Before the existential ambiguity, contradictions that characterize us and doubts that we cause, seek desperately grabbing us to one or multiple formats. In the background, we yearn for a format to think, to feel, to conceive an idea of God.

In the form, we yearn for a format to dress, to talk, to deploy towards the world. In practice, we yearn for a format to work, to form a family, to cope with everyday life. It is a format gives us structure to seat us and provides us with goals, rules, limits and procedures to lead us. Ahh, what a great relief, I already have a format for x, z, w; libero me of ambiguity. Hunters of formats. Our status as hunters of animals not already prevalent in the contemporary world.

Instead of hunting mammoths to eat and tigers so we don’t eat, now what hunt are formats of life that they are adapting to our stage and circumstance. Receive spiritual format from our parents, and when we think less about it, we are already Catholics, Jews, Protestants or what has been our family. Although there is a clear difference between the spiritual and the religious, the tendency is to merge them. This format explains to us where we come from, why we are on Earth, where we are going when we die earthly and what awaits us afterwards.

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| December 22nd, 2018 | Posted in General |

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