In the first half of century XX, the government promised to lands and good conditions of work to the Europeans who wanted to install themselves in the Southern Plateaus, whose objective age to create a base for the invasions of the Brazilian troops in the region of the Silver, disputed with the platinos countries. The first immigrants had been the Portuguese, but they had been only considered as such from 1822, when she was given formal disruption between Brazil and Portugal. Already the Swiss of German language if had installed in New Friburgo, Rio De Janeiro and soon later they had started to arrive at the Rio Grande Do Sul the Germans. The first group disembarked in the edges of the RIVER of the Bells, where today if it locates the city of Are Leopoldo where they had developed a diversified agricultural economy and they had established diverse population nuclei and that today they are cities as New Hamburg and Lajeado. The German s had also been directed for Santa Catarina and if they had installed in the Valley of the Itaja having developed the agriculture of foodstuff originating population nuclei that today are Blumenau, Joinville, Brusque and Itaja. The migratory flow only reduced due to war of unification of Germany between 1870 and 1871..
| May 11th, 2018 | Posted in General |