It sees if, therefore, that with the advent of Law 8987/95 that it regulates the justinian codes of concession permission, the difference practically enters these does not exist more, time that the permission left to have legal nature of administrative act, passing the administrative contract, as well as the concession. The INSTALLMENT OF the SERVICE OF COLLECTIVE TRANSPORT OF $FORTALEZA the delegation of the installment of the public service of the city of $fortaleza was made to the private initiative for the regimen of Concession. The private initiative generates this public service, but it does not make it to its exempts alvedrio. The city hall, through the ETTUFOR, manages and fiscalizes this service. Valley to remember that the ETTUFOR is today a total public company. In 1990, a cooperation accord was signed technique enters the Municipal City hall of $fortaleza and the Company of Transporte Coletivo (CTC), making possible the delegation of the planning activities and operational control of the System of Public Transport of Passengers for bus for the CTC. It had a concern with the renewal and systematic inspection of the fleet of bus and with implantation of the managemental and operational control, as well as with the routine services of maintenance of itineraries and sizing of the lines of existing buses. To complement the system of operational control they had been implanted, in strategical points of the main corridors of public transport, a set of control cabin, in which employee of the CTC they inside verified and they controlled the ticket of the buses of the specified schedules, making possible the verification of the data informed for the Operting companies. (Source: Paulo Coelho). Parallel to the works of implantation of the control and management of the System, the project of the Integrated System of Transports was developed, that had as main action the inauguration of the Terminal Antonio Heifer and the Terminal of Messejana.
| March 14th, 2018 | Posted in General |