Kalevi Holsti

In the internal plan, the sustainable economic development, based in the insertion of the micron-economic actors in international trade, in the distribution of wealth, the respect to the human rights and in the protection to the environment, enters into an alliance it the questions of public security guard (the call ' ' violncia' '), of job, health and education, to only cite the main abutments, and at the same time of challenge, the structure internal politics. The internal public politics were apiam in a legal structure, whose joint it forms a system of prevention, administration and coercion. The capacity and effectiveness of the Government in managing all these questions and demands determine the internal force of the State, or in the words of Kalevi Holsti, if a State is strong or weak a State of promotion of the peace must be a strong State, not necessarily a powerful State, or a power. The alteration of the nature of the great majority of the armed conflicts? of interestatais conflicts for intra-state conflicts – considered by the Advice of Security as threats or effective disruption of the peace and of security guard international, displays the weakness of the structure politics and legal intern of some States, as it was the case of the Bsnia-Herzegovina (1993), Ruanda (1994), Mountain range Lioness (1997) and Kosovo (1999), to only cite some more recent examples faced by the Advice. In another source, of the international projection of the internal demands, the capacity of the State in obtaining and defending external objective, either through the dissuasion or of the coercion, traditionally is measured in terms of amount of ' ' poder' ' (to power), a concept that historically is associated with the phenomenon of the war, to the military power. Thus, for this study, ' ' poder' ' of a State it will be measured by the capacity of accomplishment and external defense of its objectives, not only in its military source.

| December 10th, 2012 | Posted in General |

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