Legal District of Brazil

This article has as base developed anthropological and sociological study in the historical line of research of the social relations of the Community of Legal Brasilia, since its foundation to the current days. This research was carried through by the Academics of the Course of Full Licenciatura in History of IV the period of the College of Itaituba, in Disciplina de Prtica of antropolgico and sociological education, given for the Professor Adailson specialist sena Dos Santos. Work of the team: Monalisa, Jacilene, Joilma, Rosilene and Hlida. Team 2: Pablo, Alessandra, Geovanice, Gilvane and Gelsinete. Words – key: Community Legal Brasilia Etnografia. The presence of the dutches, Frenchmen and English, in the estuary of the river Amazon, concurred for the permanence of Portuguese in Par and for the expedition of Francisco Boiler Castello Branco who, in 1616, it established the city of Belm. With the foundation of the captainship, the government banished the foreigners and left in expeditions, to destroy the establishments bred.

How much to the City of Itaituba, of captain Peter Teixeira, in 1626, it is most important, therefore it reached, for the first time, the river Tapajs, entering in friendly contact with the natives, in a small farm that, nowadays, is considered as being the bay of Alter of the Soil. In 1639, Peter Teixeira returns to the river Tapajs, followed of the strong Jesutas.Um, in the estuary of this river, was established by Francisco of the Coast Hawk, in 1697, having the Jesuits installed, successively, the villages of Is Jose or Matapus, in 1722, Is Incio or Tupinambaranas, in 1737, and Borari and Arapiuns, that if had detached for the presented development. In the administration of the governor and captain-general Francisco Xavier de Stolen Mendona, the government initiated the removal of the Jesuits of these villages, situated, in the zone of the Tapajs, and raised to the category of village, with denomination of Santarm, the village of the Tapajs.

| July 15th, 2018 | Posted in General |

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