Long Live The Today & Be Happy

No doubt that the concerns are so negative energies that consume us life little by little to annihilate it, do avoid them? Acting every day about things that has been proposed and don’t think much of in the past or in the future. All concern leads us to a State of emotional and mental imbalance which translates into what we call stress, really must avoid it because stress kills, currently is one of the leading causes of death and disease. To avoid a life full of concerns, you should understand its own nature and the universe that surrounds him as Andrew Corentt says in his book I am happy, I am rich, when you realize that is the creator of his own universe know that he has the power to change all its reality through the correct perception and information processing. You must guide your life based on desires and aspirations, you initially make a projection of a long-term goal, sets it clearly through detailed plans and begins Act every day. Forget yesterday, think constantly at the person who now wants to be and work with the greatest enthusiasm that can, there is only something that you have available and is the present moment. So spend energies on things that are not as you wish, in fact when it begins to act on their desires is because many things were not in an ideal situation from his perspective. Be patient things will improve every day, you only think about what you want, never allow that other things away his desire to care because that will weaken it and prolong the time of its realization. If today could not resolve something making the best effort, quiet, you have to solve is, never allow others to take control of their lives, others pressed him, follow his own path.

To lift thanks to God, life and the universe, think of many valuable things you already have, note the creation and the manifest power of creation through the man, millions had given everything to see and have everything what you have at your disposal now. Make a mental list of all the things that you should be thankful, then long live this day as the last of his life, never allow discouragement and pessimism to get to you, there are many things you can do with love and passion, delivered today with soul, life and heart to his dreams. Andrew Corentt teaches us in the book the secret of the power of the goals that the emotional aspects determine remarkably what will succeed, when someone gives and feel joy will create much more than that and with that enthusiasm will begin to overcome all the obstacles that they are presenting to you. No wasted or most importantly, today is the only thing that counts, you will do wonders with your life, this day has decided to be a successful person, your energy will flood to all people that cross with you, their power is incredible, discover it!, visit: original author and source of the article.

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| June 29th, 2018 | Posted in General |

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