Maastricht Agreement

, If it were not possible to be approved by the previous procedure and the reform would obtain an absolute majority in the Congress, it could even approve it without the majority in the Senate. If the constitutional reform only included the limit of the deficit in the Magna Carta could be approved by this procedure, without needing consulting to the citizenship with a Rrndum. Nevertheless, if the constitutional reform affected the Basic Institutions of the State, the fundamental rights or Corona, the approval procedure would be harder and complicated, as planned in article 168 of the Constitution. In this case, the Cameras not only will have to obtain 2/3 in favor of the proposal, but also that, the Cameras will have to dissolve and to summon new elections. If the new ones you cut, decided to ratify the text, will have to be put under immediately to an obligatory rrndum. In addition, when approaching the reform of the Constitution they must consult to the Council of State on articles to modify. Other modifications In case the reform left ahead, would not be the first time that modifies the Spanish Constitution. In 1992 the right of the foreign European citizens was included to vote in the municipal elections of the country where they reside.

modification became by the simplest route and it only added to the formula and liabilities to article 13,2 of the Constitution rrido to the suffrage right. This was an exigency of the Maastricht Agreement approved in the European Union in that same year, where it proclaimed the right of all the European citizens to to choose and to be chosen in the municipal elections. Nevertheless, there are other historical vindications that are not had including still in the Constitution, but which very years have been debated in the last. The waited for reform more is regarding article 57 of the Constitution, where prioritizes the man to the woman in the line of succession to Corona of Spain.

| September 19th, 2012 | Posted in General |

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