Never More

In this period the government divulged slogans of the type: ‘ ‘ this is a country that goes for frente’ ‘. When the economic miracle entered in crisis, Mdice adopted measured as the wage wage freeze that affected the diligent classroom that met disabled to make manifestations due the repression. The consequncia of this was the ascent of the inflation and the frightful increase of the external debt. With everything, we can observe that it was very well boarded the question of the repression and the punishments, placing itself very well the types of tortures and the fear of that the population felt. Leaving to approach facts important as the economic miracle.

Certain that the intention was to count the history of Zuzu, but for this it would be necessary to approach characteristic peculiar of that period. An imperfection that we can notice meets in the scene where Lamara assaults a bank, the reason was not explicit for which these groups politicians committed these delicts. What it demands of the spectator previous conhecimeto on the dictatorship. Another well serious imperfection is placed in the parts where ‘ ‘ it tries-se’ ‘ to approach the importance of the media, therefore inacreditalvemente ‘ ‘ esqueceram’ ‘ to detach the paper of the Net Globe of Television as allied officer of the military dictatorship. That during the dictatorship it transmitted every day, for the Brazilian families, propagandas that showed Brazil in peace times. In elapsing of the years of lead, great part of the artists had elaborated workmanships that criticized the dictatorship and stimulated the population to fight against this barbarity. The production left to detach the paper of many artists. One has filmed that interesting at least must be asistido by history students, either the average, basic level or graduation.

For that if they still interest for the entedimento of a part of the military dictatorship and, or mainly, for that they are admiring of Zuzu Angel.

| December 16th, 2012 | Posted in General |

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