Non-Governmental Organizations

Some programs implanted for the federal government favor the continued formation of the servers in education, as well as, one wage politics for these professionals in all the education spheres, through the approval of the wage floor. Other Educational Programs Other programs had appeared, as: Brazil Alfabetizado; Open university; PROUNI, among others. Also having prominences in programs of initiative of Not Governmental Organizations (ONGs), amongst these, it deserves special prominence the Foundation Ayton Senna, that having for objective the correction age/series and acceleration of the escolaridade for the pupils who are of the regular band etria, comes sufficiently getting success in all Brazil CONCLUSION All these educational measures and others that they will be able not to have been cited, come contributing for the improvement of the education, much still have if to make e, as I approached at the beginning of the text, many of these measures alone will be able to get results long stated period, but knows that they are being taken. It has necessity of envolvimentos greaters of people who can collaborate with research, elaborate projects, to demand its rights, at last the participation of the citizen in the efetivao of the public politics. REFERENCES access in January of 2010 access in January of 2010. access in January of 2010. *Mestranda in Sciences of the Education for the American University in Installation; Pedagoga of the IF HINTERLAND? FOOT in the Campus Forest? FOOT (the 2 years); Teacher of 1 Phase of Education of Young and Adult of the State School Jlio de Mello in Forest?

| October 8th, 2019 | Posted in General |

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