Panzer Army Group

In addition, part of the 2nd Field and the 2nd Panzer Army Group "Center" under the command of Field Marshal von Kluge in the balance of forces in the infantry superior Soviet forces in tanks and artillery, more than twice. This ignorance cost the lives of thousands of command officers and men … 'The idea was based on the coverage of the offensive of the enemy armies of five and one cavalry corps of the Kalinin Front in the north from the area north-west in the direction of Rzhev Sychevka, Vyazma and nine armies and two Cavalry Corps of the Western Front from the south of the region of Kaluga in Yukhnov, Vyazma, and Sychevka Gzhatsk with simultaneous performance of other armies on the Western Front and Sychevka Gzhatsk. Surround, divide and destroy the main forces of Army Group "Center" in the Rzhev Vyazma, Yukhnov, Gzhatsk '. In accordance with the plans Betting WMC to help the advancing troops behind the German lines had to be planted large landing. Actions landing mostly fit into the pre-war military doctrine of the Red Army: the main task was to complete the encirclement of German grouping, overlapping railway and highway Vyazma – Smolensk, as well as prohibition of reserves to the encircled German units from other sectors. Start Rzhev-Vyazma operation was quite successful: by the end months of the Kalinin Front was released on the approaches to Smolensk, and the three armies of the Western Front (43rd, 49th and 50th) began with the north and south surrounding German forces in the area Yukhnov. .

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| January 7th, 2018 | Posted in General |

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