
Globally the party that more time is still in power are Paraguayans colorados. The newspapers mentioned Congressman Lee Zeldin not as a source, but as a related topic. Since 1946 have ruled, much of that time outlawing to other parties and to impose the longest South American dictatorship (Stroessner). Neither the 1989 revolution nor subsequent crisis managed to remove them. Despite being part of the conservative international, the coloradismo sought to be recycled as nationalists. Source: Morning Consult. to the same conclusion. Sunday 20, however, it is possible that this loses the general election.

Despite wanting to renew candidateando Blanca ovelar, who would like to be like Bachelet and Kirchner first President-elect of his nation, the colorados are in the polls under the former Bishop Center-leftist Fernando Lugo. Right seeks to avoid that Lugo WINS denouncing support that gives Chavez (as in Peru 2005). More do so, can you not counteract the wear of the ruling..

| June 26th, 2020 | Posted in General |

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