
The human being makes everything for interest. Gratuitousness in its gestures, action or positions does not exist. It makes, always it says and if it relates from personal interests. It is truth that somebody could object, saying that: ' ' I am not thus. I make things in my interest, but also I defend the interests of others. When I make good actions or I help somebody, I do not make it thinking about me, but in whom it receives the good that fao' ' The reply to these objections it is born of the investigation: When this person makes the good, makes this really thinking about the other or thinking that the other will devote gratitude to it? She makes the good, he is solidary, she helps the needed ones, because they need or because she will feel herself well with its conscience? We come back to our affirmation: always, in that we make what it moves in them are our interests. Nor always they are economic interests.

Nor always they will be stingy interests. Nor always they will be interests unprincipled people, antiethical, self-centered. But always we act for our interests. It is the case of solidarity. What it moves in them to be solidary is not the necessity of the other, but our necessity not to be badly with our conscience.

Not to be with the conscience in accusing not to have done what we could have done is that we make what we make, in the solidarity acts. Other times we make the good because this most becomes in them accepted in the society. E, even so is not an act of would mesquinharia, thinks thus: ' ' I go to make what all wait that I make therefore if not to make will be badly seen for they know whom me or for the society.

| November 27th, 2015 | Posted in General |

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