Prime Ministers

Not by chance belongs to the Duke of Wellington catch phrase that Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton. Only a small portion of the tens of thousands uk schools belong to the category of public school; here has about 5% of the total number of pupils, however, these institutions (among which one third is the most reputable and prestigious in the country and the elite of the elites constitute Eaton, Winchester, Rugby, Harrow) are primary channels of reproduction of the political elite. This document describes some schools have a high degree dinastichnosti, which, respectively, favors the closure of the elite, it (for example, among school Eton two-thirds are children of alumni of this institution, between its walls came in 1918, Prime Ministers). The second link in the British system of elite reproduction – Colleges of Cambridge and Oxford. In Britain and most other European countries are more interdependent. Only a very narrow circle of people in the uk attending fee-paying schools, and goes to Oxford or Cambridge – the leading universities of the country. It is these people occupy senior positions in various fields, although it should be noted that their industry is less. This is because that the prestige of business in the uk is significantly lower than in the United States. 60-80% of persons occupying the highest positions in the military, the church hierarchy, the judiciary, the civil service, as well as components of the conservative wing in the parliament, were educated at fee-paying schools, and then at Oxford or Cambridge.

| May 16th, 2011 | Posted in General |

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