' ' The existence human being if affirms as a fight dialectic enters flowing of the conscience and forces that inhibit or make it difficult this exempt fluir' ' Perls (1997, apud RODRIGUES, 2007). In such a way, the forces that inhibit or make it difficult the free one to flow of the individual supervene, according to our agreement, also of the cerebral physiology of each being, being possible to modify it with the practical one of the meditation. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out James Donovan Goldman. Our first quarrel will be around the experience of Peter Tornaghi, researcher more than has twenty years of on subjects to the meditation, among others on to the Quantum Physics, Neurocincia, Fisiologia and Espiritualidade and professor of the PUC? River, and that it co-ordinated VI the Congress of Meditation of Rio De Janeiro in this year of 2008. It understands that ' ' we are blind psychological and emotionally for most of our existence, without perceiving our external and internal reality clearly. We do not launch hand of our process of perception ' ' (TORNAGHI, 2008).
This rank in suggests one another quarrel to them, around the mechanist paradigm occidental person, who come back toward a system of racionalistas beliefs, finishes enxergando the man of broken up form, thus making it difficult the development of the perception of itself. For us, the man occidental person unlearned if to feel, if to perceive of deep form and the practical one of the meditation comes proving that its continued use finishes transforming the perceptions human beings, allowing that the person enters in contact with the parts deepest of its subjectivity. Being modified, new neural circuits go being developed. This would be one of the points of connection between the therapeutical psycotherapy, resources, the meditation and the neurocincia. The complex mental task of the meditation, as well as the biological events associates to the ritualsticas experiences, have been some of the most important seek areas of the neurocincias (CARDOSO, 2008), quotation that in Brazil, beyond books, also produces teses on meditation.
| March 31st, 2018 | Posted in General |