More likely to find someone who has read this book anywhere less in Rio Gallegos. It is if there are people that are dedicated to the genre of science fiction in the city, and if it weren’t do not know. Very few are likely which can make a crossing of Heliconia-summer impressions with others. This feeling of being in the wrong way happens to me always. It is used of something do reviews of book that nobody reads? Someone reads these lines? I re-established that only a person could tell me or write me telling me: I wanted to read the book by the criticism of the magazine. Never happened.
Beyond citizen apathy and lack of interest, which wanes every day about literary matters, this present the short circulation of 40 copies that allows a sample shared by friends, many of whom bought the magazine for affection and are another thing that is not literature. Equals: grateful for the support. Anyway use this space to make a kind of count and prints of the books that I am reading, why not I get hairs if interests anyone, am like donkey milling wheat in the Ferris wheel while everyone else make yours. Up to here the two volumes have a coherence that can be achieved only by Aldiss. Clarifies which is the situation of the inhabitants of the Avernus prisoners in his observer ship due to virus heliconiano that kills the earthlings a few days of breathing the air of the planet. However a lottery allows that an individual can lose every so to die in Heliconia, nobody refuses because death in liberty is better than live centuries in a tin can floating in space.
The story revolves around one of the winners of the lottery that gets involved in the intrigues and wars of domain. What changed is that we are on a planet where nature is strange and addictive. The fact of reading the second volume of this trilogy immediately after the first, is due to the ability of the writer to catch your reader. Merit is greater when it steals time to other things to do. Recommended as the first. Finally I would like to say the souls outlandish to read these lines that I have bought and enjoyed some books by their criticisms or recommendations. Why still milling wheat, once someone will make bread with the product of my effort, I see them on the next turn of the wheel. Axxon 188 magazine August 11, 2008 – Blog of Sci.
| May 29th, 2014 | Posted in General |