Surname Klimov 50% of cases is of Russian origin, 10% – Belarus, 5% – Ukrainian, 5% of the cases is from the Bulgarian and Serbian languages, and 30% came from the languages of Russia (Tatar, Mordvin, Bashkir, Buryat, etc.). Full form of the name Clement consumed rarely, most often used diminutive form Klim and Clement, but there were also independent name Clim. Names are derived from the name, nickname, occupation or residence distant human ancestor through the male line. Klimov surname derived from the canonical male personal church baptismal name of Clement, which in Latin means "merciful", and in Greek – "Grapevine." Full form of the name Clement consumed rarely, most often used diminutive form Klim and Clement, but there were also independent name Clim. Names are derived from the name, nickname, kind of employment or residence distant human ancestor through the male line. Klimov surname derived from the canonical male personal church baptismal name of Clement, which in Latin means "merciful", and in Greek – "Grapevine."
| May 2nd, 2012 | Posted in General |