' MINIMUM WAGE – SANTA CATARINA? 2010' ' Welinton Dos Santos is economist the minimum wage of Santa Catarina, approved in 10 of September of 2009 and that it entered in vigor in the State in 1 of January of 2010 587,00 R$ 679,00 go of R$. They had been contemplated the new minimum wage of Santa Catarina, professionals who are not enclosed in collective agreements or convention of work. To had been all benefited 400 a thousand workers, although protests of the FIESC? Federacy of the Industries of the State of Santa Catarina. In year of implantation it is normal to have protests, but all will be benefited to the medium and long run, with increase of the income of the worker who generates greater local consumption. Contact information is here: Amazon. The workers of the sectors of: tourism; agriculture; cattle; extrativista industry and improvement; it fishes, beyond house servants, civil construction, motociclistas, motoboys, employees in the urban transport (except drivers) and of documents and small volumes, they will have the floor of R$ 587. Already the minimum of R$ 616, engloba diligent of the industry of clothes and footwear, wiring and weaving, leather devices, paper, deliverering and selling companies of periodicals and magazines and used in boards, ambulant periodical salesmen and magazines, and employees of establishments of health services, companies of communications and telemarketing. The workers of the commerce, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, cinematographic sector of feeding and the floor are of R$ 647,00 Employees of the metallurgic industries and mechanical, ceramic, glasses and derivatives, graphical, private insurance companies and capitalizaton, data processing, establishments of culture, assistant of administration, drivers are of R$ 679,00. THE ALESC? State legislature of Santa Catarina approved in urgency character the subject for if dealing with benefit for the State, for the population of benefited low income, that transforms the reality social of the resident people, benefiting disorganized workers, not contemplated for accuseds, although not to englobar terceirizados and the public officers, but it is without a doubt an inductive mechanism of social and economic development..
| April 15th, 2018 | Posted in General |