movement became victorious in 24 of October and Vargas assumed the position of provisory president the 3 of November of year the same. (FAUSTO, 1970, p.14-17) the changes politics, social and economic that had had place in the Brazilian society in the one after-1930 had made with that this revolutionary movement was considered the initial landmark of the Second Republic in Brazil. ' ' Historically Ribeira had always combats here. Since the Revolution of 30 and 32 for being verge of Estado' ' The motivations, ideas and objectives that had led to the armed movement of 1930 must be searched in the decade of 1920, when they had appeared more clearly the effect politicians of the industrialization and urbanization process and when new social forces, mainly the average layers and the urban masses, had started to demand a participation politics that until then them is forbidden. The claims and pressures of these new forces had led to the plea of the oligarchical State, in the measure where this age incapable to absorb its demands. The time of the Republic coffee with milk was with the counted days.
This plea to the oligarchical State did not count, however with the participation of the emergent industrial sectors and neither it was the result of a contradiction, to the level of the production, between the agrarian sector and the industrial sector. (FAUSTO, 1970, P. 112) Politically, this phase of the Brazilian life if characterized for the domain of the agrarian oligarchies under the hegemony of the cafeicultores. In local level, the power was exerted for heads of families – ' ' coronis' ' -, that they controlled the votes of its relatives, friends and subordinate and normally they occupied and they monopolized all the state positions. They were not only saw for the choice of the representatives the Congress as of the candidates the president and vice-president of the Republic.
| August 18th, 2012 | Posted in General |