And in Russia will be born many new people who are able to change the world. – Russia is now called Union. But the old Russia is back and will be named the same as at St. Sergius … Socialism is back, but with a new face. Will again be the Soviet Union, but updated. Again, landowners will be co-operatives and overcome Bulgaria difficulties. Prosperity is possible only in Bulgaria, in alliance with Russia – it is our mother.
Russia always was and will be a great power. Reading the predictions, you know which way to go. Evil rejoices when nothing good done, Now it's time to wake up and sniffed the smell of fire. Past mistakes of the socialist system was that it was built on 'sand', so when 'the rain and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and he fell and it was fall of it. '(Matfeya7: 27) Now we can build a state so that no wind and no water will not destroy that which will be based on the' stone ', that is, the Word of God. Psalm 127 1. Unless the LORD builds house, in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, in vain watchman stays awake.
Russian St. John of Kronstadt said: "Democracy is in hell, in heaven – the kingdom." We've had enough insults and mutual claims, it is written: 'Take heed to yourselves. If he sins against your brother, rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him '(Luke 17:3).
| November 15th, 2017 | Posted in General |