
If you still have no idea what I’m talking about is called RSS and is getting his head across the web. RSS, which stands for “ReallySimple Syndication<" is a new technology that enables anyone to syndicate their content online. Much has been written about what RSS is and how it works. So I'd like to keep it short and sweet, as I am sure you also would not really want to go into the technical equipment necessary. Simply put, RSS is a way to publish and receive content electronically. RSS files are XML based, and are popularly known as RSS feeds. RSS What is revolutionary, can help distribute your content directly to subscribers, without the interference filters spam. To subscribe and read your RSS feeds, all subscribers should have is an RSS reader, also known as an aggregator. What is more, not even have to worry about giving any information of your personal data to subscribe to their feed. And with a lot screaming RSS readers available on the web right now (most of them free), it would be very difficult to convince your subscribers to get hands on one. RSS Readers are available in both versions, desktop and web-based, which seems to be the most popular. Once the subscriber adds your RSS feed to your favorite RSS reader, you go “live” and immediately establish a direct connection to the subscriber. Whenever you have something new to post, all you have to do is update your RSS feed already published its new contents. At the time of loading the feed with new content, Walla! Their food is automatically updated everywhere you subscribe. No mess, no fuss. Only content that works. Everything all right? That’s the beauty of RSS. No wonder that has been used by web honchos like Yahoo and MSN to deliver content to users. Even allowing their members to add RSS feeds on your election to the members area, making them perfect examples of Web-based aggregators. Syndicate content can mean a lot to you and your business. By publishing your own RSS feeds, eventually could end up with more leads, more subscribers and not to forget, the more money in the bank.

| March 6th, 2024 | Posted in General |

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