Learning Mathematics
The Brazilian Language of Signals is a natural language to enable the expression of human beings. Another one is a language as any, therefore it possesses necessary mechanisms to if to make to understand, it constitutes proper signals of the community of our country and follows principle of the verbal languages the same. They absorb the cultural aspects of the users, also the regionalisms, the typical expressions, the slang. More information is housed here: Dov Hikind. Pounds are the basic axle so that the deaf person learns the official language of its country and all the other gifts in classroom. Word-Key: Deaf Bilingualism Pounds *1- Jarleide Almeida Feitosa. See more detailed opinions by reading what James Donovan Goldman Sachs offers on the topic..
Graduated Letters/Portuguese in the Tiradentes University and after-graduanda in Pounds in the Serigy College. *2 – Emiliana Nunes Da Silva? Graduated Letters/Portuguese-Spaniard in the Tiradentes University and after-graduanda in Pounds in the Serigy College? *3-Paula Valena Young chicken Da Silva? Graduated Letters Portuguese-English for the College of Formation of Professors of Penedo and after graduanda in Pounds in the Serigy College? paulavpinto@ yahoo.com.br Introduction: Pounds are the first natural language developed between deaf people and Brazilian dumbs, and are from it that it will leave for the study of the official language of its country. Pounds another one is a language as any, therefore a fonolgica structure possesss all, characterized through the configurations of hands, location and movement, morphologic and syntactic. It differs itself from the verbal languages only for using auditory appearance-space and not verbal canal. From there the necessity to include the Brazilian language of signals in educational the curricular structure. Knowing itself that the school is an environment of integration and socialization of knowing, it does not have as if to admit the preconception, the exclusion and the discrimination. then when we speak in including the deaf person in regular education, is necessary to prepare the educational staff, so that the inclusion attempt will be successful..
03.14.18Integrated System
It sees if, therefore, that with the advent of Law 8987/95 that it regulates the justinian codes of concession permission, the difference practically enters these does not exist more, time that the permission left to have legal nature of administrative act, passing the administrative contract, as well as the concession. The INSTALLMENT OF the SERVICE OF COLLECTIVE TRANSPORT OF $FORTALEZA the delegation of the installment of the public service of the city of $fortaleza was made to the private initiative for the regimen of Concession. The private initiative generates this public service, but it does not make it to its exempts alvedrio. The city hall, through the ETTUFOR, manages and fiscalizes this service. Valley to remember that the ETTUFOR is today a total public company. In 1990, a cooperation accord was signed technique enters the Municipal City hall of $fortaleza and the Company of Transporte Coletivo (CTC), making possible the delegation of the planning activities and operational control of the System of Public Transport of Passengers for bus for the CTC. It had a concern with the renewal and systematic inspection of the fleet of bus and with implantation of the managemental and operational control, as well as with the routine services of maintenance of itineraries and sizing of the lines of existing buses. To complement the system of operational control they had been implanted, in strategical points of the main corridors of public transport, a set of control cabin, in which employee of the CTC they inside verified and they controlled the ticket of the buses of the specified schedules, making possible the verification of the data informed for the Operting companies. (Source: Paulo Coelho). Parallel to the works of implantation of the control and management of the System, the project of the Integrated System of Transports was developed, that had as main action the inauguration of the Terminal Antonio Heifer and the Terminal of Messejana.
09.11.13The Success
Each professor must look for optimum to be able to make to its contents it work and having advantage. For certain he does not have doubt of that education favors the understanding in the way as if makes science. The professor engaged in task to teach will see that the experimental lessons can become a privilegiado instrument students to learn them: Observar; Discriminar; Organizar; Classificar; Medir; Experimentar; Avaliar. It is possible that same in a school with little experimental tradition the pupils pass: Desenvolver innovative abilities and techniques; Passem to use and to calibrate instruments; Passem to use a microscope; Possam to prepare solutions. To propitiate to the student concrete experiences that extend its capacity to establish relations and to understand concepts and principles. Propositadamente must be given priority so that the pupils start to understand me the propitious mentos for the valuation of the life, in its diversity, and the important development of the attitudes and valores, in science and the collective work.
4 SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT Despite it has discords how much to some of the cited aspects, justifies the use of the experimental activity as resource capable to assure one efficient learning of the pertaining to school contents. Thus, the experiment can be carried through by the professor, as demonstration, and for the proper pupils, according to a script more or less detailed and previamente elaborated. The experiment must have a previous assay, must be carried through of anticipated form for the professor in order to guarantee the success at the moment of the execution. As general rule first it is used to explain the subject aiming at to introduce and to explore the subjects and, mainly, to motivate the pupil on ' ' que' ' he will be boarded. Of beforehand it must be thought and to have an inductive character, where the students can control 0 variable and discover or redescobrir functional relations between them, or deductive, when they have the chance to test certain predictions of the theory.
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