French Rudolph
Rudolph R. Leytsinger sought to attract tourists to the North Caucasus and in Pyatigorsk and this has created a Mining Company. The deceased was a famous mountaineer and his name appears in print English, French, German, Swiss and was an honorary member of many societies. Even a few years before his death, he, along with his father – the elder raised at Jungfrau. The deceased was a man of the public – he was in many societies: the Committee of sobriety, the benefits the poor, aid to poor students. Pyatigorsk, by Rudolph R., strengthened Boulevard on Teplosernoy.
R. Rudolph was a founder and member of the association of brewers, factories Pyatigorsk. And a half years before his death opened the licorice plant, and a small coffee mill. R. Rudolph was a good family man. He put on their feet, not only their children, but gave education and family. – The irrepressible old man – were talking about the deceased.
Yes you will, a citizen and a man, the earth down! ". Say goodbye to Rudolph Rudolfovich came representatives numerous organizations, local governments, residents, who in the funeral procession, the flag and the sign of the clc, with singing 'Holy God' marched through the streets and the Royal Teplosernoy the Lutheran Church From all all of Russia and – for the border, where R. Rudolph was a member of many societies, have received letters and telegrams, among them a prominent place occupied by letters from students – tourists, there is a free, user-friendly shelter in the hospitable home of Rudolph Rudolfovich. They expressed their last wishes: "peaceful sleep, grandfather of the Russian mountaineering in the Caucasus." In our days in the house of Rudolf Rudolfovich on Teplosernoy, the Center's Children and Youth tourism and tours, which celebrated its 15 anniversary. This organization can be named successor clc and noble deeds 'restless old man' of child development of tourism not only in Pyatigorsk and cms, but also in Russia, as in their work tsdyut and E plans to regional events and competitions and the Russian scale. November 30, 2001, the day of the anniversary, workers tsdyut and E and its veterans for their excellent work among students were noted of thanks Letters Mayor V. Vasiliev. So that employees tsdyut and E are worthy of white – the blue flag of the clc, and continue the work begun in the early last century by Rudolf Rudolfovich Leytsingerom.
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