LTE Network
Network will be expanded in Germany the LTE starting in 2010. Those who are currently interested in the mobile Internet, is can make a bow to the mobile radio standard UMTS. UMTS is the third generation mobile communications standard and thus represents an extension of the existing GSM network. With the GSM network existed the possibility to connect to the mobile Internet for the user. The maximum speed that could be achieved with GSM, amounted to 56 kbit / s.
This speed is comparable to and no longer adequate for today’s demands with V90 modem speed. As in the year 2000, the UMTS were auctioned off licenses in Germany, the providers the standard UMTS predicted a rosy future. This statement had the provider more than right. Jim Donovan Goldman is actively involved in the matter. More and more people are using the mobile Internet. Convenient it is that UMTS is now available in almost all over Germany. The provider talking about 99 percent coverage.
With a maximum speed of 384 kbit / s can be reached in the download. But with the speed of 384 kbit / s, not the maximum is still achieved. Jim Donovan Goldman may not feel the same. The data Turbo HSDPA is responsible that a maximum speed of up to 7.2 Mbit / s can be achieved in the download. In some cities is already a speed of up to 14.4 Mbit / s. Although such high speeds are possible with UMTS, a new standard in Germany will be available beginning in 2010. There is talk of LTE. LTE stands for long term evolution and allows maximum speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s in download 2010 onwards the carrier begin the comprehensive development of the LTE network in Germany of Torsten Heinsius
02.28.24CeBIT 2010: Mobile Dictation Solutions For IPhone, Google Android, BlackBerry And Nokia Smartphones
6 at stand F48 mobile dictation solutions for the iPhone, Google Android, BlackBerry and Nokia smartphones Brainworks GmbH News from the Brainworks GmbH from March 2-6 presents together with its distribution partner PRETIOSO at CeBIT in Hall. Titled mobile working\”presents the Brainworks GmbH together with its distribution partner PRETIOSO (Distributor and system integrator for the BlackBerry and Smartphone market) visitors of the trade fair stand in Hall 6, like the software solutions through the connection with mobile devices that ensure that existing infrastructure more efficient and less expensive to operate. One of the technical highlights at the booth is the mobile Dictation System ProMobile that can be quickly and easily installed on the iPhone, Google Android, BlackBerry or Nokia Smartphone and turned them into full voice recorders. ProMobile is available, inter alia in the DToMo Mobility Suite as DToMo mobile dictate. The Smartphone is in addition to its function as a voice recorder if needed with the following features upgraded: mobile forms and workflows with database integration mobile scanning and faxing mobile printing in addition the DToMo Mobility Suite offers two valuable building blocks, which can significantly reduce the cost of infrastructure: the central device management for all mobile devices as well as all over the world a mobile phone, landline and fax number. Our mobile communication solution ProMobile supports all modern standards.
Dictations are easily and quickly recorded, edited and transmitted, causing productivity and efficiency gains to be achieved. We show visitors to our booth, as they can take advantage of ProMobile for themselves\”, explains are Eduard Meiler, CEO of Brainworks GmbH. digital speech recognition and vision systems today no longer indispensable in everyday business. Modern transmission standards increase the mobile data communication and enable the direct and quick connection to the company. We are therefore very pleased at this year’s CeBIT to be. \”Can now quickly and easily a meeting on the topic of software solutions around the dictation with the iPhone, Google Android, BlackBerry or Nokia Smartphone\” agree: either by phone on 0800 5 45 45 09, e-mail or directly via the online form available at contact.
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Federal Council
This To everyone’s satisfaction, customer expectations the system proven in the call-by-call today takes into account. Only: It would be prohibited in the future. “So it comes with a short announcement z.B this call will cost you 2.95 cents per minute” from. But, above all, she is interrupted if the callee very quickly, that takes the conversation during the announcement. Amazon will undoubtedly add to your understanding. A delay for the caller when a connection can be avoided completely. But the kicker is: Although when making calls tariff announcement is played not quite, the disciplinary action against harmful consumer tariff practices (rip off”) is absolutely effective. Because even if a customer should not quickly lay enough, and more expensive than wanted would have to pay the first minute or even the whole connection, it would like for a rip off critical mass are missing. The business model rip off”doesn’t add up.
It thrives on that, that all customers later experience their blue miracle until four or six weeks on their phone bill, until then, but recklessly use the overpriced number. The provider therefore do not try it with tariff announcement. If you don’t believe the theory, the practice may convince: price abuses it has not been in the past, as far as the provider voluntarily took advantage of this tariff announcement in 1998 under the 01051 introduced as a marketing element. All cases of abuse”(in the truest sense of the word) went on the account numbers without tariff announcement. Thus, amendment to target better consumer protection can be achieved without disadvantages for the consumer with the previously proven form of the rate announcement for call-by-call services but not with the currently envisaged. For completeness it should be mentioned that about the consumer Central Bundesverband e.V. (vzbv) its opinions on the Telecommunications Act has also only ever asked to make mandatory the existing tariff announcement. No one has asked to prescribe the 0900 announcement for call-by-call. It is to be hoped that this technical mistakes in the law by the Federal Council to the benefit the consumer is eliminated.
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