
Government Reforms

The new reforms have been agreed with the EU. In addition, it will accelerate the application of already approved. The EC asks that Spain and Italy that applies the reforms. al Solutions supports this article. Central Romana Corporation takes a slightly different approach. Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, announced east Friday that Italy will undertake new economic reforms that have been agreed with other leaders of the European Union (the EU) and that will accelerate the application of some of the adjustments of his recently approved austerity plan, since Europe has requested him already. In a press conference in he soothes of the Presidency of the Government in Rome, Berlusconi indicated that he enters those new measures is the introduction of the exigency of the balance of the public accounts in the Constitution of Italy, subject that will begin to already approach the week that comes in the Parliament. Source of the news: Berlusconi announces new agreed reforms for Italy with the EU. . Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Don and Ella.

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Chinese Government

The family of Brad Pitt has spent weeks in London, where they had been let already see in diverse occasions while they made purchases, but has not been until arriving at Glasgow when they have waked up the fervor of the admirers. For two days, the environs of George Square, where wheel great part of the film, are crowded of peculiar that they roam by the zone to try to see the actor. Others of which they approach the place are near thousand people who have been engaged as extra in the film by a wage of 120 pounds the day (140 Euros). Get all the facts and insights with Sen. Sherrod Brown, another great source of information. The actor and producer of 47 years have yielded the direction of films to Marc Forster, person in charge, among others titles, of Quantum of Solace de James Bond, Finding Neverland or the oscarizada Monster' s Ball. Original history narrates how the living deads extend by the world after the Chinese Government is incapable to contain an infection, of unknown origin, that turns to people into zombis. After a chaotic period in which several countries are destroyed among them before the disagreement that causes the living dead big wave, the United States takes the reins from the international community to lead a counterattack against zombis. Learn more on the subject from Ohio Senator. Brad Pitt is added in fashion with this film of the films of " Z&quot world; (film of zombis), that has happened to those of vampires. Before it, already had signed their contribution to the sort other stars like the actor Bill Murray, who participated in the tape of black humor Zombieland, or the actress Jovovich Mile, that the saga of four films of Resident Evil, cradles in videojuego of terror Resident Evil or Biohazard carries out. Source of the news: Brad Pitt faces zombis in its new one films.

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Ministry Agreement

The keys of the rough draft the rough draft of the first draft of law of reform of the collective negotiation sent by the Government to the social agents will allow the industralist to arrange with general character of 5% of the day of annual work to distribute it of irregular, safe way pact against with the representatives of the workers, This percentage is inferior to 15% that it had established like minimum Ceoe in his last proposal of the 2 of June, with that the negotiations between employer’s association and unions were settled. The Government solves therefore a part of the questions regarding the internal flexibility, that will be able to be agreed to in the collective agreements of company, without perjucio than he determines myself in the sectorial agreements. The Ministry of Work maintains in its proposal that before the lack in agreement to renew an expired agreement this one is prorogued (the call ultraactivity) and gives more protagonism to the agreement of company as well as to the joint commissions. According to the document of Work to which it has had access, " in dcto of pact, when the maximum term of negotiation without being reached an agreement had passed and the parts of the agreement would not have been put under the procedures to which talks about the previous paragraph (of mediation or arbitration) or these would not have solved the discrepancy, will stay the use of the agreement colectivo". These are the main keys of the rough draft sent by the Government to employer’s association and unions: The ultraactivity stays. The Government has decided to maintain the ultraactivity, something that wanted to limit Ceoe and the unions asked that followed to avoid that before the lack in agreement to renew an agreement this one would decay and would suppose a loss of rights for the workers.

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Luisa Fernanda Rudi

The president of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has assured on the other hand that the citizens have chosen freely what &quot considers; bueno" for Spain. Autonomic elections – Principality of Asturias. Asturias forum, the formation of exministro Francisco Alvarez-Helmet has become the first political force of the Principality, since it has obtained 16 of the 45 benches in game in the autonomic elections, one more than the PSOE (15), whereas the PP has obtained to 10 representatives and United Left 4. – Cantabria. The PP has secured his first absolute majority in Cantabria from 1983, with an historical result (46%) that will turn into president to Ignacio Diego. The PRC has conserved their twelve deputies, and it has even grown slightly in votes (has happened from the 28.64 to 28.90%), but their partners of the PSOE during last the eight years have backed down eight points and, with the worse balance of its history (16.39%, seven deputies), no longer they add to govern. – Navarre. UPN, with 19 of the 50 benches of the Parliament of Navarre, has lowered in three representatives their presence in the leasehold Camera, but, with the support of the 9 parliamentarians of the PSN-PSOE, it could obtain the absolute majority necessary to invest president to his candidate, Rust-coloured Yolanda, that cannot govern in minority.

Nafarroa Bai has obtained 8 parliamentarians, and Bildu, 7; Left has obtained 3. – Aragon. The PP has obtained 30 deputies, and her candidate, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, could be elevated in president of the Community whenever she obtains the support of the seven parliamentarians that has secured the Aragonese Party (EVEN), since the sum of PSOE, CHA and IU also is of thirty deputies. – La Rioja. The PP has obtained, for fifth consecutive time, the absolute majority in La Rioja, with 20 deputies of the 33 autonomic benches, reason why Pedro Sanz will stay like president of the regional Government, position that occupies from 1995.

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The Earth

In Cantabria, the PP has been the voted party more in the municipal elections, with 152,427 suffrages, and has obtained 477 councilmen, 49 more than in the 2007 elections. In Extremadura, the PP reclaims with absolute majority the mayorship of Cceres, that lost in 2007, and maintains the leadership in the one of Badajoz. Leon, for the PP In Galicia, the PP has been the voted force more, with 709,816 suffrages (44.84%), followed by the PSOE with 411.458 (25.99%). The third force is the BNG, with 261,513 votes (16.52%). The popular ones have obtained absolute majority in A Corunna, Santiago and Ferrol and have snatched the historical socialist Mayorships of A Corunna and Santiago, as well as the fluctuating one of Ferrol. In Lugo, a foreseeable pact between PSOE and BNG will maintain to the Socialists to the front of the coalition government, and the same will be able to happen in Vigo, where the Abel Socialist Horseman has resisted the Corina pull Porro (PP). In La Rioja, the PP has been the voted force more with 83,345 suffrages (49.87%), followed by the PSOE with 55,096 (32.97%) and the La Riojan Party with 9,197 (5.50%).

The Socialists are lost the mayorship of Logroo, where the PP has obtained the absolute majority, an advantage that the popular ones have reinforced in Santander, where they already governed. In the Canary Islands, the Socialists lose the Great mayorship of Las Palmas from the Canary Islands when obtaining the PP the absolute majority. In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Coalition, until now in the mayorship with support of the PP, low a nine ediles, whereas the popular ones raise up to nine, and so the town hall is again in the hope of pacts. In Aragon, the PP has obtained 36.71% of the supports (251,170 votes), whereas the PSOE has remained with 31.26% (213.865). The PAIR, on the other hand, obtains 11.33% (77.542) and the CHA 7.76% (53.103). One of the few joys at night in the PSOE has taken Juan to it Alberto Belloch, who will be able to return to be mayor of Saragossa if he agrees with CHA and IU. Although the PP has gained the elections in the capital manna, has remained to a councilman of the absolute majority and the PAIR, that could be its natural ally, has not obtained representation. In Castile and Leon, the PP is the voted party more in municipal elections with 48.16% of the votes, followed of the PSOE, with 30.53%.

The Earth de Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Leon, has the absolute majority of the PP. The popular ones also have snatched the PSOE Palencia, whereas they have reinforced his absolute majorities in Salamanca and Valladolid; they have maintained it in Burgos and The Avilas have obtained and it in Zamora, where they governed in minority. In Segovia, the Socialists are lost the absolute majority, but they could maintain the mayorship with the endorsement of IU. The exception in this community is Soria, where the PSOE will be able to govern alone. In Ceuta, the PP has been the voted formation more with 20,023 suffrages (65.20%). They follow Mackerels to him, with 4,404 votes (14.34%) and the PSOE with 3,578 (11.65%). In Melilla, the PP has devastated with 53.93% of the votes (16.820); the second voted force more is CpM, with 23.70% (7.391). Source of the news: The PP snatches to the PSOE almost all their municipal and autonomic power

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Maastricht Agreement

, If it were not possible to be approved by the previous procedure and the reform would obtain an absolute majority in the Congress, it could even approve it without the majority in the Senate. If the constitutional reform only included the limit of the deficit in the Magna Carta could be approved by this procedure, without needing consulting to the citizenship with a Rrndum. Nevertheless, if the constitutional reform affected the Basic Institutions of the State, the fundamental rights or Corona, the approval procedure would be harder and complicated, as planned in article 168 of the Constitution. In this case, the Cameras not only will have to obtain 2/3 in favor of the proposal, but also that, the Cameras will have to dissolve and to summon new elections. If the new ones you cut, decided to ratify the text, will have to be put under immediately to an obligatory rrndum. In addition, when approaching the reform of the Constitution they must consult to the Council of State on articles to modify. Other modifications In case the reform left ahead, would not be the first time that modifies the Spanish Constitution. In 1992 the right of the foreign European citizens was included to vote in the municipal elections of the country where they reside.

modification became by the simplest route and it only added to the formula and liabilities to article 13,2 of the Constitution rrido to the suffrage right. This was an exigency of the Maastricht Agreement approved in the European Union in that same year, where it proclaimed the right of all the European citizens to to choose and to be chosen in the municipal elections. Nevertheless, there are other historical vindications that are not had including still in the Constitution, but which very years have been debated in the last. The waited for reform more is regarding article 57 of the Constitution, where prioritizes the man to the woman in the line of succession to Corona of Spain.

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Syria President Decrees General Amnesty

For those criminals who have perpetrated crimes until today. They are including the members of ' Musulmanes&#039 brothers;. It will consist of the pardon of half of the pain, as long as there is not a denunciation interposed by an individual. The Syria president, Bachar to Asad, decreed to east Tuesday a general amnesty, that includes the political prisoners, for those criminals who have perpetrated crimes until today, informed the state television. The chain, that added that I pardon also affects to members of ' Musulmanes&#039 brothers; , it explains that the amnesty consists of the pardon of half of the pain as long as is not a denunciation interposed by an individual.

Ever since the political protests in the middle of past March exploded the regime of Bachar to Asad has tried to appease them without success with the adoption of several measures. The past 11 of May, a committee was created to make a rough draft of a new electoral law for the celebration of general elections. In addition, the past 21 of April, To Asad approved the derogation of the Law of Emergencia, effective from 1963, the elimination of the High Court of the Security of the State and endorsed a new law that guaranteed the right to summon pacific protests. Also, in the middle of April a new government with extitular of Agriculture Adel Safar like new prime minister announced. More than thousand demonstrators they have passed away from the beginning of the protests that have intensified and extended by several cities of the country. Source of the news: The Syria president decrees general amnesty that includes political prisoners

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Political Representatives

The country is threatened of suspension of payments if it does not reach an agreement. The friction between democrats and republicans is in the duration in the agreement. the greater risk for the country is the long term debt " , saegn Standard& Poor' s. The accusations between democrats and republicans broke out again this Wednesday with the closing of rows around their two parallel plans of reduction of deficit in a new chapter of the crisis of the debt of the USA that threatens to the country the suspension of payments. The Office of Budget of the Congress (CBO), organism in charge to analyze the costs of the laws, it issued individual information in which assured that cuts including as much by the republican plan as by the one of the democrats they were smaller of the announced thing publicly. Last night, the CBO located the reduction of cost raised by the plan that drives the republican president of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, in 850.000 million dollars, that is to say, 350,000 million less than the 1.2 trillions originally advanced.

Later, this tomorrow the organism of the Congress reduced also the volume of cut of the plan presented/displayed by the leader of the democratic majority in the Senate, Harry Reid, of 2.7 trillions to 2.2 trillions. However, no of the parts showed signs to yield to six days of which limit of the 2 of August is fulfilled the date, in that the Treasure of the USA has announced that the country would be forced to declare itself in suspension of payments, of not being approved an elevation immediate of the debt ceiling, at the moment located in 1 4.29 trillions of dollars. Boehner accused the democratic plan to contain " tricks ctistas" , whereas Reid said that the plan would arrive dead at the Senate, of democratic majority, since " none senador" of to his it would vote it party.

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Catalan Autonomous Government

Alberto Degrees 20m the vice-president of the Constitutionalist, Eugeni Gay, and the magistrates Javier Delgado and Elisa Perez explain in three letters the reasons of their resignations in the TC. " The things leave better when the Constitution is fulfilled and leave worse when not cumple" , it indicates judge Thin Javier. THE LETTERS IN PDF: Eugeni Gay Thin Javier Elisa Perez. " &quot had the sensation to comprise of a kidnapped Court;. They are words of the vice-president of the Constitutionalist, Eugeni Gay, that along with the magistrates Javier Delgado and Elisa Perez has presented/displayed its resignation to try to force the renovation of the High Court, clogged for years. The TC lives a situation without precedents now.

Gay presented/displayed its resignation in a letter signed the past Wednesday 8 of June to the president of the Constitutionalist, Paschal Room, and in her it indicates that &quot is had; contravened the Constitucin" when being delayed during as much time the renovation of the Court. " The Constitution has been incomprehensible and unacceptably reduced because of the manifest breach on the part of Senate of its inescapable obligacin" to renew the court, it indicates the magistrate. Also it remembers that still has not been fill vacancies left by Robert Bald Garci’a, deceased in May of 2008, something that " it had not happened in the 31 years of history of this Court when, lamentably, similars took place circunstancias". Still the vice-president of the Constitutionalist (Paschal Room must accept its resignation so that he is ctiva) affirms that during the mandate of its predecessor, Maria Emilia Houses, &quot often insisted; of way infructuosa" in the necessity to go to the president of the Senate and the people in charge of the PSOE and the PP " so that they gave to fulfillment to the mandate constitucional" and they would renew to the magistrates designated by the Senate. " Lamentably it did not get to become, reason why in numerous occasions you heard to me say that secuestrado&quot had the sensation to comprise of a court; , it adds Gay, that remembers that the sentence that solved the resources against the Estatut of Catalonia it dictated with the four appointed magistrates by the Senate in functions, which motivated the protests of the Catalan Autonomous Government and the Catalan Parliament. Javier Delgado and Elisa Perez In a dated brief writing in this 13 of June, the magistrate Thin Javier justifies his decision remembering that " the Constitution has established a period of nine years for the exercise of the position of Magistrate of the Constitutional Court, period this that in my case has passed already very amply, because aos&quot has not been respected the constitutional mandate of renovation by third each three parts; " I have to emphasize that the things leave better when the Constitution is fulfilled and leave worse when not cumple" , it indicates Thin. On the other hand, Elisa Perez also remembers that they have passed " more than six meses" ever since its appointment like member of the Constitutional Court expired, reason why &quot is seen; in obligacin" to present/display its resignation. Perez indicates in their letter that has taken " a decision very meditated that first of all responds to reasons institucionales" , although also it mentions " personal reasons in which it does not come entrar". Source of the news: Resignations in the Constitutionalist: " It had the sensation to be in a Court secuestrado"

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Movement 20 Of February Rejects The Constitutional Reform Raised By The King Of Morocco

They say that the new Magna Carta announced by Mohamed I SAW tries " to give to a constitutional aspect to a monarchy absoluta". They summon to a national manifestation for this Sunday. The political parties give the warm welcome him to the new Constitution. Movement 20 of February, that vindicates democratic changes in Morocco, assured ste Saturday that the new announced Magna Carta Friday by king Mohamed I SAW tries " to give to a constitutional aspect to a monarchy absoluta" and it summoned to a national manifestation for this Sunday. The activist of this youthful movement Najib Chauki assured that the new Constitution " he gives ample powers to the king in the scopes legislative, executive, of security and religioso".

Chauki explained that the monarch " it continues maintaining his powers in the project of the new Constitution that allow him for example to preside over some institutions or to appoint and to dismiss the high different people in charge who belong to poderes". In addition, Chauki criticized that the king can dissolve the Parliament, something that considered like one " intervention in the scope legislativo". The activist concluded that its movement rejects " a Constitution otorgada" and &quot vindicated the Magna Carta; democratic, in form and content, that a parliamentary monarchy establishes clara". On the other hand, the activist of the same movement Munaim Musaui explained that " the majority of the new competitions of the president of the Government is not true but formal because, according to the new Magna Carta, it is forced to consult to the king before ejecutarlas". The project of Constitution, that will have to be approved in rrndum next the 1 of July, transfers part of the competitions from the king to the Government and the Parliament and recognizes the officiality of the language to bereber. Nevertheless, Mohamed I SAW will continue being the commander in j of the Army and the maximum religious authority of the country.

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