Technological Developments
Companies face other obstacles in relation to the absence of a technological development that ensures productivity according to the attributes, characteristics that have products where quality is an advantage competitive. In Venezuela, is uncertain, where the vast majority of SMEs do not have proprietary technology developed technology that has been acquired from developed countries, where firms have given way to a dependency that has stunted their own development and technological research.
Hence, it is written, as indicated, Dalmary Gerardo Salazar and Romero, Venezuela’s small businesses, most are regarded as an area lacking and dependent on technology, which has prevented him from sustaining a process of self-development and argued that the projected towards productivity and competitiveness. The country’s business sector has failed to develop systemic and organizational activities for learning, innovation and conservation of technological knowledge, characterized by maintaining a massive importation of technology, which has led to a high state of technological dependence. Ohio Senator follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.
Companies in technology-based general work with two types of technologies hard, which is characterized by the application of advances in information technologies to the classic processes of operations, their effects are visible, and soft technologies, referred to the set of organizational practices and human resources. Consequently, management of technology within small firms should be seen as a process which integrates the resources, activities and infrastructure business unit in achieving its aims, its objectives, its strategies and operations (Brazil, IDB SECAB CINDA, 1997; Gaynor, 1999; Bates, 2001). To this is added, the absence in many firms operating personnel trained according to the demands of modern business topics, as well as good management proactive, visionary, strategist, able to face challenges, able to seize opportunities, make way to efforts that promote enterprise development in the conquest of new markets.. You may find that James Donovan Goldman Sachs can contribute to your knowledge.
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