

Marcos Perez Jimenez Lags of the old military leadership: Delgado Perez Jimenez and seeking power Chalbaud 1914: Birth of Marcos Perez Jimenez (MPJ) in Michelena, Edo Tachira. 1945, October 18: With the rank of Major, MPJ takes part in the overthrow of President Isaias Medina Angarita. 1948, November: has responsibility for the overthrow of President Romulo Gallegos. As Minister of Defense, the Military Junta Government Integra, headed by Mayor Carlos Delgado Chalbaud with Llovera Luis Paez, Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1950, November 13: Carlos Delgado Chalbaud, the man who had promised early elections (ie the possibility that the government return to civilian hands), is murdered. It is responsible to General Rafael Simon Urbina, who then takes refuge in the embassy of Nicaragua, surrenders and is ultimately killed by members of the National Security (NS), dying with him as the condition of the most qualified witness in the case Chalbaud . 1950, November 27: Eleven days later, virtue of the political crisis provoked by the assassination, changed its name to "Governing Board" and the Military High Command to the lawyer appointed President Germain Flamerich Suarez, MPJ and Llovera Paez retaining their positions, with the particularity that wealthy more power MPJ and control. At Richard Blumenthal you will find additional information. The effects of such events (death and greater power Chalbaud MPJ) are being felt: it assumes Pedro Estrada as Director of the SN, a man of complete confidence MPJ; political persecution intensifies, it creates a concentration camp Guasina , is assassinated leader Leonardo Ruiz Pineda suspends college classes. a recognizes the significance of this.

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The story happened in a small town in any Latin American country. Pay attention. One morning a young man of about twenty years where his father is a newspaper in his hand and says, "Dad, I think you meet the conditions for the post referred to this notice" The gentleman takes the paper and reaches read requesting someone to perform a charge related to public administration. But after reading the ad tells his son: "Do not believe everything that is said here, son." The customs are gradually changing over time, but always the people suffer the consequences of those who lead and direct it wrong. It has always been. At the dawn of our republic, when he ended up choosing the colors of the flag and national anthem had not yet, it was mandatory that all public officials meet three basic conditions: belonging to a certain race, having a large fortune and profess certain beliefs . And those who did not belong to that race and professing that religion, asked the boy.

They had no chance, son. As for resources … well, I understand that you asked me that is the same now. Well, let's. Later it was understood that the officials' need for many years. In my town council, for example, all were very old, all had gray hair and walked with a cane. However, all accepted the need to respect the voice of experience. Visit Senator Richard Blumenthal for more clarity on the issue. But the experience did not seem enough because things were very bad.

Then he thought the issue was with the young and the council was filled with young, energetic, enthusiastic and full of intent. But he soon learned the ways of the elders and the people went worse than before. Came time to name the women and this was done. Very smart lady came to the corporation, but their contributions were not sufficient because the people walking by that time quite badly, about to sink. Then someone suggested to elect people with title university. Then came the so-called doctors. Not what you think. At the council board had more than a slum. And everything remained the same. Jim Donovan Goldman will not settle for partial explanations. I think that this town does not save anyone. I think we have to choose honest and hardworking people, no matter whether poor or rich, old or young, men or women, studied or not. At that time the boy interrupted him: "Father, finishes reading the newspaper." Then the gentleman took the paper and read: "Wanted decent people even if you have gray hair, working even more, intelligent but nobody knows; concerned, commending themselves to God and dare to fix this country" BY: ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ RUTTO Rutto Alejandro Martinez is a renowned writer and Italian-Colombian journalist who also teaches at several universities. He is the author of four books on ethics and leadership and is included in three anthologies of Colombian authors. Contact him at cel. 300 8055526 or email. Read his writings, a page where you will find writings, stories and pieces beautiful Colombian literature.

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National Intelligence Centre

The site will consist of 10 American oak dedicated to all victims of terrorism. The Princes have been responsible for planting the last of ten trees in an area of the Parque Juan Carlos I. The Act has also attended the Ambassador of EE UU in Spain, Alan Solomont, together with other authorities and resident Americans in Spain. The Princes of Asturias have yielded this Sunday tribute to the victims of 9/11 to inaugurate a small American oak forest dedicated to the memory of all the victims of terrorism and who will remind the 2,977 killed in the terrorist attacks of ten years in the United States. The Ambassador of the United States, Alan Solomont, has highlighted that the 11-S his country decided that it would not let terrorists change their way of life or they minaran its democracy and its values. They are values that we share with Spain, a belief in democracy, human rights and respect for cultural or religious differences, said Solomont, who has emphasized that the attacks They also left a truth: that terrorists do not go with yours, that violent extremism earns not adepts, as it is showing the Arab spring. Solomont has made these reflections to over two hundred members of the colony American in Spain that have attended the ceremony and which, together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, and the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, have embraced Jose Luis San Pio, the father of the only Spanish who died in the attacks, Silvia.

The Princes have helped, along with the Ambassador and his wife, Susan, planting the last of the ten Oaks that will remind the victims of 9-11 in the Park Ferial Juan Carlos I in Madrid, a gesture that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Mayor of the capital, and the father of Silvia Saint Pio have imitated below and which has been followed by a minute of silence. Jose Luis San Pio has recognized that the tenth anniversary of 9-11 revives a little more wound that left and wanted to also remember to the victims of the terrorist attacks of 11 March 2004 in Madrid. San Pio has declared that he knew from the outset that her daughter could not have survived the attack and has ensured that somehow still being at home and being one more than the family. The tribute (the U.S. Embassy invited which representatives in Spain of the 92 countries that had national among the victims) have attended also the Chairman of the National Intelligence Centre, general Felix Sanz Roldan, the President of the terrorism victims Foundation, Maite Pagazaurtundua, and the Chairman of the Foundation Council Spain-USA, Antonio Garrrigues. The Ambassador of EE UU (which has alternated English and Spanish in his speech) has highlighted that the purpose of the tribute was not only remember the victims, but emphasize the ability of the human being overcoming and insist on the value of life. He has remembered that eleven memorials of September 11 in the United States, France, United Kingdom, Japan, Israel there are and Australia, places where people can gather to build the future without losing sight of the past. We will not forget the victims, nor the lessons that left us, Solomont has concluded. Source of the news: the Princes inaugurate the forest that will remind the victims of 9/11 in Madrid

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Peruvian Politics

People are tired, weary, that at each general election, present the usual: “a communist Taliban, who dies to be another Hugo Chavez in Peru, a somewhat old-fashioned women leaders and rise in kilos, and others part of “the Monster family of Peruvian politics. Honorable exceptions, such as the current president of Peru and the unjustly imprisoned former president, politics in the country, has been “a constant cheating guys.” If there is the writer, the whole town support him will be his way of protesting against the professional politicians, the give and take, the corruption. Jaime Bayly has the moral: (is an excellent parent, not a hypocrite), intellectuals (it’s an excellent political analyst, journalist, novelist awarded) legal (Peruvian, adult, successful professional.) But what is more important, has the sympathy of the people of Peru than in an audience of millions, they follow every Sunday, to pass with a while entertaining, enjoyable. Sympathy is what professional politicians do not have many, despite his long years in the political arena, the Congress, political parties, which almost nobody believes in Peru. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Suffolk County Rep.. If you ask people on the street that seems Jaime Bayly will tell ….. it is great that your program is cool, who speaks the truth …… even the girls say about that ” is “without any concern for their sexual choice, as are attracted by the journalist-novelist, I would like to sleep with Jaime Bayly ……” wakes up in the Peruvian population feelings of affection, appreciation and find it more nice to see him on, to listen to Congress and see the political 18 months ago speaking only of Peru oil, when there are more serious issues such as construction of dams, electrification of the Andean peoples, the remodeling of schools emblematic of Peru, securing universal, comprehensive health insurance that reached Peruvians employed and unemployed, many newly built hospitals to give health to the population of the entire country, etc.. If there is will have support, no doubt. Smile and be happy.

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Democracy Has A Price

Our nascent democracy, and so it is with other democracies, has inherent in itself an impediment or danger in which we are falling lately: moved the concept of democracy (freedom) to all our personal assistance, whether or not they political. I can do …, I have reason to … I’m covered by … I need a house for … People such as Connecticut Senator would likely agree. etc.etc. But none of us, or possibly the writer thinks so we can say that, despite being flawed the concept of ‘democracy’ is the least bad system of good governance in the countries.

However, substantial as a democracy, and in my humble opinion, is that citizens, with their votes, have chosen, and for a period of time, those who seek to govern them: good, fair or bad … but would govern until the next general election. When we are not satisfied with the results of votes, no doubt, we will have to wait to vote to persons who we believe are more appropriate for represent, and I say people, not political parties who are voting today in Spain. However, elected leaders will come out-as do the waters of any river flowing into the sea. And it also became Hitler (the sick and lunatic politician), who came to power through the ballot box and covenants: polls and vote, vote … All covenants and learn in a subject, that we must always keep up to date: The art of politics, because politics is an art: the art of making others happy, art to benefit the society that is governed, the art of deceiving the voters, the art of declaring capital assets when it comes to rule and when it comes out (the same as being honest and honorable.).

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Triggering the Coup

The main contribution, and positive, triggering the coup of then (1945) is that promulgates universal suffrage, direct and secret for Venezuelans over 18 years, and so undermines the sharp practice and impose continuity of the Presidency of the candidates Republic strongman mode in operation as electoral system since 1830 (Medina Angarita then walked on it). Not surprisingly, MPJ be reluctant to ignore the caudal paradigm, evolving into its original condition dictatorial taking any action that would give less coverage to the popular will and democratic practices, even in the case of those in whose adoption he participated Somehow, referring to his taking part in the overthrow of Medina Angarita and subsequent reforms conducted by the Board. It may be assumed further that MPJ important part of a feeling that guided the commission of a coup against Medina Angarita: compensation for military symbolism, humiliated by civilians. The rapid return and Lopez Contreras Medina Angarita, who had gone into exile, they suggest. The bourgeoisie, affects the outset to dictatorship, ended up supporting his ouster, mainly because the government’s fiscal crisis hit the banking industry, commercial and industrial. The government had difficulty paying those who had become dependent on their payments.

The church shone through a stand against the regime. That is, the end of 1957 only a civil-military clique unconditionally supported the dictator, and the opposition was a conglomeration of social groups: political parties, workers, peasants, students, military and much of the middle class. The conspiracy and fall: the spirit of revolution and unity 1957.

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National Convention

During the years of 1791 and 1792, three events befell that, in my view, completely cracked and ended with the confidence that until then the people will still lavished on the Crown and fostered in his heart the feelings regicides leak: Varnnes to the manifesto of the Duke of Brunswick and the discovery of the "iron closet" containing valuable secrets of the King. All this combined with other events like the massacre of the Champ de Mars, the promulgation of the Constitution 91 and the war against Austria and Prussia as a result left a decadent monarchy discredited. After all this the head of the King could not be saved. THE PROCESS The bars in the Assembly this January 14, 1793 were really full. Check with Tea Party to learn more. There was great excitement and the atmosphere was heavy. The heated discussion on the questions to be proposed to the assembly that they would be finished: 1 – Louis is guilty? 2 – The trial should be subject to the approval of the people? 3 – What is the penalty to be imposed? The next day, about the noon was opened on the first ballot question with the peculiarity that each member should explain his vote. Five members are declared disabled.

Another twenty are absent. Connect with other leaders such as Connie Coleman here. Eight patients were made. Finally, 683 replied affirmatively to the guilt of Luis, indicating a voting agreement between the Girondins and the Montagnards. Vergniaud, dressed in black, statement: "On behalf of the French people, the National Convention declared Louis Capet guilty of conspiracy against the freedom of the nation and the attack on the overall security of the state." The second question to be answered then. .

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Reciprocal Assistance Chile

Posted in the newspaper La Razon, Lima, Peru, on December 4, 2009 Why is the press in Argentina in 1982 called the neighboring country in the south as the “Cain” America? Ricardo Sanchez-Serra (*) I remember the headline (“Chile, the Cain of America”) of the newspaper Clarin in Buenos Aires, when Chile abstained in the meeting to implement the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR), after recovery -April 2, 1982 – Falkland Islands by Argentina and the war with Britain. And is that Chile, despite having declared itself neutral, openly helped Britain, ie, stabbed in the back of the Argentines. For the first time, I can mention that, working at the Embassy of Argentina in Lima, it was learned that the modern destroyer HMS Exeter (in service since September 1980) passed in mid-April 1982 – the Panama Canal in the direction of the islands South Sandwich and South Georgia by the Argentine recovered on April 3, 1982.

The funny thing is that the then British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, to hide the support of Chile, had lied to the media and international English, saying that the HMS Exeter sailed the Atlantic, with the purpose of taking those islands. The truth is: HMS Exeter, with more than 200 miles off the coast of Peru, the Peruvian government requested permission to fill their tanks with gasoline (as they call it the Argentine gasoline) in the port of Paita-in Peruvian north, being denied permission..

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The Third Way

Lula said that Brazil is not interested in first, second or the third way, but his own way, an opinion that you should apply to the rest of the continent despite the Peruvian president who was not even claimed the “Third Way” the same as Toledo. “Thinking self” maxim that has quite a lot, has transformed the Brazilian and South American destinations. Faced with the claims of the “British and Anglo Americans” and their policies of military intervention and military aid to countries that violate consider humans, highlighting a foreign policy of double standards. Lula thinks that this would lead to a minority of Powers decide to their own and apart from the sovereignty of each nation who are or may be attacked.

It has always been a supporter of a negotiated solution to conflicts and fight poverty with social investment programs that could attenuate the high crime and violence that has been growing in the countries and major Latin American cities, a blind eye to their chairmen to think that the great crime which is growing does not pass through the state. Lula Stresses in a multipolar world (along with Mbeki and Shroededer) and looks like a danger that a superpower to impose its agenda. His strategy is to strengthen the United Nations. The apathy of Europeans by Latin American countries has been dissipating.

With Brazil at the top, full Lula took office in England for being a president so popular (without trying to take advantage of this) and having the axis of its foreign policy in the unity of South America. Brazil, like other countries of the continent, preferred commercial and diplomatic relationship with the U.S. or Europe (as the only vision of international politics) Although many African countries seek links with the U.S. as the only way out. The new integration policies seek a relationship between neighbors. The way in which South must face globalization and the FTAA is first integrated and making their countries to seek trade more among themselves. This means creating more roads, pipelines and direct air routes. If you ask me what would be the most suitable candidate to be President of Latin America today, would say that Lula da Silva.

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