
Administrative Lawyers

It is needed effective leadership that promotes a major participation and one better communication with associated and the organs of its trade union institution that do not act generally within the scope of their competition where breach of its functions has taken to the demoralization of the union, to a little projection like so and the location of the same in background like legitimate representative of the Lawyers in Administration, paper assigned by the respective Law of Exercise of the Profession. The school must activate its law, reglamenteto, that was approved the 21 of April of 1. 979, thirty years, where there is many emptiness in his articulated, articles that they must be updated according to the reality of the present. It is possible to be indicated, that in many opportunities when had under my position the chair of problematic of the Venezuelan administration, School of Administration of phases, University of Carabobo, were realised more than 10 seminaries than turned on is law, where rapporteurs, as well as the pupils, evaluated the reach of the law their repercussions and provided the suggestions necessary to reinforce it, to update it, aspect that unfortunately never were considered. If, there is the evidence that the attempt made Prof.

Nstor Requena, that it has held position in the Federation and was involved in the development of the Law, despite was not obtained absolutely anything. In many opportunities Castillo was indicated to him to its president of that then William, the opinions as much of some rapporteurs, as the one of the licensed futures, opinions like for example: that it is not possible that is taken into account the opinions, suggestions, of that they indicated his opinions, ideas, to carry out a School of Administration of height, it jeopardize and aggressive before the changing context of our society, are worn away in Institutional Regulations, Statutes, Interests, or National Games Intergremiales. It is necessary to consider a Project permanent of Trade union character that takes with himself the name the Lawyer in Commercial Administration, projecting it in everything Venezuela and the World. Mention became in addition, that one of main the preoccupations referring to the roll of the School of Administrators is that ” the mission based on the demands of the surroundings has not reached a clear vision estratgica” ; what means that, considering the society in which we are immersed, full of constant changes and affected day to day by the globalisation, the technology, the sprouting of new ” society of conocimiento” , the policy of the government who has generated uncertainty, of the necessity of to raise new strategies, to take passage to action, chords to the reality of the present.

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