

The future of humanity in light of the concept of cycles. The author is well below forecasts, aware that the study of the future – the most ungrateful of all the activity practiced by mankind. This fact well understood by the wise prophets of the past and therefore tried to avoid the accurate predictions for specific dates. But our age is different. The balance between good and evil is fragile as ever. Spirituality or greed, war, or world, the triumph of reason and obscurantism – that's the problem, which today is divided into polar forces are not only the civilization of planet Earth and some ethnic groups, but every family and every single person. This means that all of us the air, we need guidance, you need vision clearly defined milestones for our future.

A milestone of the future – this is the date. Dates are filled with concrete meaning, and in one case may be reassuring, and the other to cause alarm. But most importantly, they encourage us to work together. To act to realize the opportunities, and to stop the negative. A prophecy come true or not – cause, by and large secondary.

The basis of forecasts laid complex method of predicting the future, developed by the author on the basis of the most recognized astrological predictions, and concepts of cycles, at one time proposed by Russian scientists Nikolai Kondratieff (1926) and AD Pleshanovs (2001). I. Predictions of technological structures and geokriticheskih situations for the next 840 years.

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Science and the Environment

Ten most important events in the environment and science at last week RIA Novosti published ten environmental and scientific events of 2009, which, according to correspondents, have made the greatest impression on the entire country. At first the correspondents put climate negotiations in Copenhagen, calling them 'disappointment of the year. " The second line of the rating was given to the battle for energy efficiency in the domestic economy of our country. The third most important Corresponding event highlighted a stop in October 2008, the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM). However, the day after the publication of the rankings in the media reported that the BPPM restarted production.

The fourth line of the rating took a decision to ban mining in Russia, and Belka himself harp seal across the White Sea. In fifth place – the appointment of former head of Rosgidromet Alexander Bedritsky an adviser to Russian President on climate change. On the sixth place ranking correspondents put a brave decision of municipal authorities refuse incineration in favor of hydroseparation waste. Seventh line holds the record of Russia among countries that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In eighth place – the active position in 2009, Ministry of Natural Resources to monitor compliance with environmental norms in the construction of sports facilities in Sochi. In ninth place 'situated' Large Hadron Collider, which is 'a fever' entire passing year.

And completes the list of the most important events in the environment and science, according to RIA Novosti experiment to synthesize new 117-element periodic table. Lapwing – a bird in 2010 Russian Bird Conservation Union, held annually in recent years, the bird picks at this time given the title of a bird, the lapwing-2010. In this year Chibisa ornithological organization intends to make efforts in order to estimate the number of species of birds, advocate the protection of species and populations of hunters. It should be noted that in order to adopt a bird year must be met certain requirements: the bird should be extended to all or most of the territory of our country, it should be easily recognized and need attention and help people. Earlier Title Birds year were a swan, kingfisher, owl, bullfinch. Choosing Chibisa bird in 2010 was not accidental. The population of one of the largest wader in recent years is rapidly shrinking and the main reason for that – activities man. The purpose of the campaign 'Bird of the Year' – to attract public attention to the birds that inhabit the territory of Russia, and the problems of their protection. In 2010, major efforts will be aimed at promoting security activities in relation to One of the largest waders – lapwing. PHOTO Week Ten records from the world of animals and photography contest winners National Geographic 2009 Last week we talked about what records can boast of Representatives fauna of our planet. For example, did you know that the fastest animal – a cheetah, and the most powerful – and at the insect beetle rhinoceros? Learn more about records our younger brothers in our PHOTO Ten Records of the animal world. We also asked our readers to look at the best photos of nature, animals, and amazing places on our planet. Be sure to check these unique pictures in PHOTO Contest Winners National Geographic Photo 2009.

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UN Conference in Bali

Results of the UN conference in Bali … Last Saturday, December 16, ended with the UN conference in Bali. She has been hot debate, as well as many important decisions that seriously affect the immediate future of mankind. At the very end of the debate of global warming. The Last Days Forum noted a compromise agreement to launch negotiations on further reductions in carbon dioxide. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called it 'good news', encouraging a relatively safe from an environmental point of view of humanity's future. Agreed in Bali also, that by the end of 2009 the negotiations under UN auspices will be accepted specific obligations of the parties.

The new treaty, known as the Bali 'roadmap' will replace the current Kyoto Protocol, the term which will expire in 2012. Speaking at the launch of the report the UN Development Programme (UNDP) 'Human Development', Ban drew attention to the Bali forum on the main conclusion that global warming may slow the progress of mankind. "Climate change is already beginning to affect the poorest and most vulnerable countries and populations around the world '- according to the authors of the report. According to them, growth average temperature of the planet in coming decades by three degrees Celsius in the lifetime of our generation would lead to floods, melting glaciers and massive displacements of people, as well as to reduce production supply. 'All the scientists in one voice say that climate change can be seen with the naked eye, they are global in nature and are the first victims are the poor countries', – said the head of the international community.

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