Legal District of Brazil
This article has as base developed anthropological and sociological study in the historical line of research of the social relations of the Community of Legal Brasilia, since its foundation to the current days. This research was carried through by the Academics of the Course of Full Licenciatura in History of IV the period of the College of Itaituba, in Disciplina de Prtica of antropolgico and sociological education, given for the Professor Adailson specialist sena Dos Santos. Work of the team: Monalisa, Jacilene, Joilma, Rosilene and Hlida. Team 2: Pablo, Alessandra, Geovanice, Gilvane and Gelsinete. Words – key: Community Legal Brasilia Etnografia. The presence of the dutches, Frenchmen and English, in the estuary of the river Amazon, concurred for the permanence of Portuguese in Par and for the expedition of Francisco Boiler Castello Branco who, in 1616, it established the city of Belm. With the foundation of the captainship, the government banished the foreigners and left in expeditions, to destroy the establishments bred.
How much to the City of Itaituba, of captain Peter Teixeira, in 1626, it is most important, therefore it reached, for the first time, the river Tapajs, entering in friendly contact with the natives, in a small farm that, nowadays, is considered as being the bay of Alter of the Soil. In 1639, Peter Teixeira returns to the river Tapajs, followed of the strong Jesutas.Um, in the estuary of this river, was established by Francisco of the Coast Hawk, in 1697, having the Jesuits installed, successively, the villages of Is Jose or Matapus, in 1722, Is Incio or Tupinambaranas, in 1737, and Borari and Arapiuns, that if had detached for the presented development. In the administration of the governor and captain-general Francisco Xavier de Stolen Mendona, the government initiated the removal of the Jesuits of these villages, situated, in the zone of the Tapajs, and raised to the category of village, with denomination of Santarm, the village of the Tapajs.
04.10.18Federal Constitution
What it was before the privilege of few, to arrive at the oldness, today starts to be the norm same in the countries poor. This bigger conquest of century XX if transforms, however, in a great challenge for the too much century. The aging of the population is a natural aspiration of any society, but it is not enough by itself. To live more is important since that if it obtains to add quality to the years you add of life. We have to find the half ones stops: to incorporate the aged ones in our society, to change rooted concepts already and to use new technologies, with innovation and wisdom, in order to reach of form democratic joust and the fairness in the distribution of the services and easinesses for the population group that more grows in our country. The social politics directed toward the Third Age From the decade of 90, were multiplied, on a large scale, the number of federal, state and municipal laws that contemplate the Third Age in Brazil. This impulse in the legislation is folloied by the constatao, through demographic research, of an increasing and irreversible process of increase of the number of aged in Brazil. ' ' According to projection from the data of the Demographic Census of 1980, the aged, composed population for people of 60 years or more, reaches the mark of the 12,674 million in 1999 and represents 7.7% of the Brazilian population (…) While the population with less than 20 years grew 12% of 1980 the 1999, the aged population grew, in this exactly period 70%, passing of approximately 7,2 million aged for 12,6 milhes.' ' (Arajo & Alves, 2000, p.08) the proliferation of laws for the segment oldest of the population is inaugurated with the Federal Constitution of 1988. In the chapter of the Social security, section IV, relative to the social assistance, establishes article 203 that the assistance has for objective ' ' to protect the family, the maternity, infancy, adolescence and velhice' ' guarantees ' ' a minimum wage of monthly benefit to the carrying person of deficiency and the aged one that they prove not to possess ways to provide the proper maintenance or to have provided it for its famlia.' ' Chapter VII of the Federal Constitution still foresees that ' ' the family, the society and the State have the duty to support the aged people, assuring its participation in the community, defending its dignity and welfare and guaranteeing the right to them to vida' ' (art.230).
06.14.12Society Participation
Walnut goes to affirm, that these two forms of participation, goes to be much more in tune with the proletariat and with the popular layers of what with the bourgeoisie. The author inserts them in a dimension daily pay? politics, but not irrelevant or inferior, therefore these would serve of mold for the associativismo? participativo model beyond horizontes corporative? that it would advance of meeting to the models inserted politicians-participativos in the State. The third type, would be the electoral participation, that if projects in the field politician. It is a participativo model, where the citizen supposedly would be not ripened, affirming not only in relation proper itself, but also in relation to all the collective. It weaves a critical one to this type of participation, for limiting the envolvement of the citizen, and for many times to cause frustrations that could result in despolitizao.
the last great group, would be the participation politics, that would serve of complement, however surpassing in importance collective in such a way the electoral participation how much the corporative one. According to Walnut, For intermediary of the participation politics, individuals and groups they intervene to make with that differences and interests if explicitem in a common land organized by laws and institutions, as well as making with that the power if democratizes and either shared. this participation, in short, that it consolidates, protects and dinamiza the citizenship and all varied the right human beings. Exactly therefore, its protagonists central offices are the citizens. (Walnut, 2004, P. 133) and under this perspective, we will make the boarding of the representation of the CMDCA while instance that if considers connector link between the State and the Society. 1. The 1 popular participation institutionalized through the Advice the explicit Federal Constitution the basic paper of the citizenship in the conduction of the State; the society is instigated to participate of the formularization of the public politics.
06.14.12Constitution Citizen
The institutionalization of the laws, the rights and the politics of social protection of the aged one passed if to compose from the consecration of the Federal Constitution of 1988, that it yielded legal support the today effective politics in the society and also attributing new institutionalization to the Social Service in thinking and executing politics pautadas in the iderio that appeared with the New Constitution, ideals of extended democracy and citizenship with ends to the efetivao of the basic rights of the individuals, mainly of the minorities in social and economically vulnerable conditions, as the aged ones in situation of poverty, carriers of deficiency, among others. The Constitution Citizen, in this direction, considered advances, therefore it defined articles on Social security, Social welfare, the Social Assistance, emphasized the citizenship of the aged one, formatting itself, in this manner basic values for the confrontation of mazelas you beat related to this social group. With this yearning of efetivao, it was perceived necessity of a normative support more specifies under which if it guided the exercise of the professional of the assistance, in this manner, the Social Service started to conduct itself through Federal Law (Law 8,742, of 07 of December of 1993), known as Organic Law of the Social Assistance, applying practises it professional the seriousness of the work and trimming the resqucios of ' ' assistencialismo' ' aspect that identified the actions of intervention in the previous period to the creation of the LOAS, therefore did not have basement for estruturao of assistance politics. Thus, with the consolidation of these legal bases, he was established the normative plan that marked the disarticulation enters the professional exercise of the assistance and it practises it assistencialista, sight as a shunting line of the effective and legitimate Social Assistance. In the year of 1993, with the homologation of the Organic Law of the Social Assistance? LOAS considered in its chapter IV the creation of benefits to the elderly, as well as for other cases where the citizen would not have the possibility to provide the maintenance with life or its family. .
06.10.12Federative Republic Poverty
In the context of social politics that had been instituted in the decade of 80, for confrontation of the poverty making possible the eradication, is necessary historical changes, therefore the reconstruction of this context does not become impracticable this confrontation. It is in this fight for the change in the reality and fights in the conquest of rights that if proliferates the poverty concept and omits the responsibility of the State. The question of the lack of guarantees of human and social rights is decurrent of a process evidently badly structuralized during years. in the decade of 80 only had a differentiated attention and more effective in the dimension of the problem, that ahead of so great indifference on the part of the governing leaves of to be prompt the example: health, education, assistance and others, starting to be collective, that is, it is changed nomenclature thus to be dealt with such way that the citizens feel themselves protected by ' ' rights sociais' '. The individual starts to be controlling by means of the conscience process, thus is possible the confrontation of the civil society stops on the other hand with the State to its social rights, since after decades of fights finally through the Federal Constitution of 1988, which was known as ' ' Cidad' constitution; ' that it was sancionada to guarantee the social rights, as article 6, and through this understands that: The education, the health, the work, the leisure, the security, the social welfare, the protection to the maternity and infancy, the assistance to the abandoned ones are right social, in the form of this Constitution. (Art.6 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988). The poverty state makes with that this citizen of rights for not having said its guaranteed, does not identify that is party to suit of the search for the citizenship that starts to be the evident factor in the conquest of the citizen.
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