
Labor Reformation

The first judicial order that denoted its incapacity to give the answers that were demanded to him in the crisis context that afflicts to us, was the mercantile one. Concretely with respect to its functionality to help the companies in difficulties. And it was not due to a deficient norm, they have loved as us to make see, to justify with his reform new exemptions granted to the banking organizations, favoring his position of professional creditors. If not by the deficient instrumentation of the own Competing Law. Later they were the courts of the social thing that showed their impotence to give course in time and forms to enormous problematic labor the inherent one to the incessant enterprise loss of life, for despair of the labour lawyers and of its clients. Already endemic procedural delays that demand an incessant flow of originating bottoms of the Bottom of Wage Guarantee with which to those who demand their more basic rights, the labor ones.

The panacea tried to look for with a labor reform with a high political cost, that did not contribute anything new, since in his more flowing practice, simply came to put black on target whichever already practiced in soothes judicial practiced in the matter of dismissal by economic causes. We will be able to verify, time to the time, that the new legal regulation far from to clarify assumptions, will entail a remarkable increase of the controversies. And with him, of the delays for the acquisition or the reestablishment of tried rights. Like labor lawyer with a global vision, I consider that once again the narrowness of sights of our political leaders prevents to value solutions that could be described like novel.

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Spanish Government

As you know, Willy (Guillermo) Toledo is actor, and nonbad, indeed. In the interludios, instead of to play petanca or the Monopoly, like others, it is dedicated to the political activism. The last time this one has taken to the Sahara, with 16 compatriots more, to arm it to the Moroccan regime occupant of that one territory. Apparently, and according to its testimony, the police of Mohamed I SAW them has beaten the sheepskin although, luckily, without leaving them thrown in no gloomy mazmorra. What minus to them could happen knowing how to the sum sultn! The good thing of the case, is that the actor of deficiencies to whom throws the fault is to the Spanish Government, by not to have sent a pair of F-16 to look for to them. Milk! It is that while the State saves until in the pensions of the retired poor men and reduces the pay to the civil servants would have had to be spent pastn at the expense of the revolutionary tourism of Mr.

Toledo and his cuates. And that they go of sandstone, being conceited of igualitarismo and others grgaras. Clear that, customary to live on public subsidys, main source of income of the world of the nonsense of this country, to fly in a most expensive supersonic fighter must seem to them a triviality. There are lost the papers. Not only because there is to rescue with our taxes to reckless climbers of the Anapurna or lost tourists in the desert, but because the Government usually pays numerous ransoms to somales pirates or to those who they kidnap to imprudent cooperators who finish confraternizar with their detectors.

That is, that the State us solves everything to it, until the caused thing by our boldness, folly or negligence. The good thing of the case is that Mr. Toledo carried out one recently closed defense of the regime of Cuba, justifying that the Castro dictatorship let die in its hunger strike to the Orlando dissident Zapata, ” delincuente” , according to our actor. It would like me that Willy Toledo was coherent with itself and its presumed shared in common causes going to the Caribbean island to visit the political prisoners of that one regime and would mount a public show demanding the freedom of all the prisoners by crimes of opinion. After the consequent police reaction, certainly it would miss the attitude of the Moroccan authorities. In addition, it could not request the arrival of F-16 to take it from return to house because the Cuban jails thus one does not leave as well as. Clear that never would be happened to him to do it to our actor because, besides sectarian, who is it, and much, which does not seem is that he is stupid.

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Venezuelan University Worker

" To educate is not to give race to live, but to temper the soul for the difficulties of vida." Pitgoras. The reality is extremely worrisome that confronts the Venezuelan universities, especially the public ones, that besides confronting a serious crisis budgetary that opposite the challenges that the present demand, especially the country, that presents/displays a turbulent scene, uncertain in the politician, economic, cultural, this concerning the measures that the government has decreed with respect to the increase of pays, specifically 40% for the educational ones that never will cover the expectations to assure a good quality life, quite the opposite, are continued discrediting the university worker. Facts like these, especially for those who we have been educational per years, entail to evaluate what these measures represent and how they affect the quality of life of the university worker, beyond the political ideology, but, before an economic reality that it demands of evaluation before an inflation that it has significant incidence in rickety lalos income that an educational one in all levels perceives. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ohio Senator. He is not objectionable therefore, the last declarations that have declared the vicedirector academic of the University of Carabobo, Red Ulises, when it says, in a declaration on the subject in the Notitarde Newspaper, that the National Government wants to discredit the university worker, as well as the paper of the houses of studies of the country in the Venezuelan society, with the wage increase of 40 percent decreed by the President of the Republic. It maintained that the referred increase constitutes " insulto" for the educational personnel, administrative and working of the universities, " since merecemos&quot is very below which;. It essentially asserts that equality of conditions in comparison with the rest of the workers of the country does not exist, those that toil in the public sector. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Congressman Lee Zeldin. This is a serious reality, where there is a Homologation of pays and no right repayment, equitable, especially, towards the educational ones, (our case) that one assumes they must well to be remunerated, since their roll, is very excellent for a country, because they are the ones in charge to enable, to train the different professionals who are needed and to guarantee a to him each sector where they evolve, a successful operativity that contributes to make effective the plans of government in economic, development, productivity. . .

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Constitutional Procedural Code

On the other hand, in order to confer major predecibilidad to constitutional justice, the legislator of the Constitutional Procedural Code also has introduced the technique of the precedent, in its article VII of the preliminary title, when establishing that the sentences of the Constitutional Court that acquire the authority of judged thing constitute binding precedent when therefore expresses Sentencia, needing the end of its normative effect () . In this way, although as much the jurisprudence as the constitutional precedent has common the characteristic of their binding effect, in the sense that no authority, civil servant or individual it can resist to his obligatory fulfillment, the Court, through constitutional precedent, has general a normative power, extracting a norm from a tactical mission. Conditions of the use of the precedent: This it is come off that the precedent is a technique for the arrangement of the jurisprudence allowing at the same time as the Court exerts a true one to be able normative with the restrictions that its own jurisprudence will have to be delimiting gradually. Of preliminary way it can settle down, nevertheless, that one first restriction is referred to relation enters case and precedent. As it happens in the countries of the Common Law () the value of precedent of a decision is determined by what a judge decides indeed in the sentence. More what indeed it is decided, is certain in relation to the case (fattispecie) concrete of the controversy submissive in opinion. In this sense, this Associated one considers that this rule also is valid for our system, even though also is truth that the configuration of the case in our legal system not always is related to concrete facts but to the evaluation in abstract of norms, as it happens in the case of the control of consitutionality of the Law, for example. It, however, does not do that the normative precedent that this Associated externalice, does not have a direct relation with the central question that must be decided because thus it has been put under the Constitutional Court.

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Political Dimension

In the history of Brazil, considering the question of the education in a political-pedagogical dimension, we hardly located to the learning of the form subject integral-objective of the investigation. We know that political implications exist, of conscious or unconscious form, in all the educational action. The contained political dimension in the educational action, is result of a logical consequence expressed by the image of man and world that all the educational theory bases. According to Morin (2000) the education this always ligature to all the areas of social action and the discussions surround problematic of corporeidad indicating, to restore the relation between the body and the mind, or between sensible and the intelligible thing. We understand of this form, that the emergencia of the subject corporalidad appears like proposal for the overcoming of the mechanist, separating vision of the principle of the unit of the human being. That permea subject all pos-modern society, under the name of liberator of the oppression that afflicts to the less lucky towns.

It is difficult to perceive a political speech in which the education is not placed like in two main redeeming ones of the chronic delay of several nations, including Brazil. According to Pilletti (1996), the History of the Brazilian Education developed ruptures excellent and easy to be observed. The first great rupture of the History of the Education Brazilian complic with the arrival from the Portuguese to the territory of the New World, being engaged in a register of education of Europe; what it does not mean that the populations that lived this way, no longer owned own characteristics of to make education.

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Political Poulization

The political populization do not have their correlate in the economy. That the Venezuelans say to it, but, where its greater originating entrance of the petroleum, and that he would drive to reforms that really increase the well-being of the economy of the country, it seems to be being ultilizado in making political. Their commentaries a can send me: With the Price of Petroleum at its Better Moment, Chvez Every time Worse Buenos Aires, Argentina 20 of March of 2008 the price of the crude one is at the moment in levels never reached If, it is truth that reached levels record in nominal terms But the strong growth of the quote of the barrel of crude which it experimented from the past year caused that the income of the oil countries were increased strongly. He is for that reason that one can think that Hugo Chavez would be happening through one of its better moments to the front of Venezuela. Clear that this would be truth if everything were limited which it happens with petroleum. Perhaps the fact to see an Hugo Chavez very put in the subjects of other countries or in using their energies in confronting with the EE.UU can make think that are no great problems in its Venezuela But the reality seems to indicate that it is not so thus. The problems by which it crosses the Venezuelan town seem to be of such magnitude that, paradoxicalally for a government that it tries to be Populist, the approval of the management of the Venezuelan government is in the minimum level in five years, being located in around 34%, and with a strong fall against 43% that it had at the end of 2007. This data really surprised to me and it generated the following question to me: What can be happening in Venezuela like so that the popularity of Chvez it has fallen of such way? I intuit that they have not been nor the intervention in the conflict between Ecuador and Colombia, nor the reiterated fights with George W..

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TLC Economy

This has a clear explanation: the good performance of the Colombian economy has come generating an improvement in the economic situation of the population that is itself reflected in the growth of the consumption. The perspective for the consumption are positive. Signs of deceleration in the consumption of the Colombian families are not seen. Even, from the point of view of the investor, a market in growth is seen and by far space to grow. And if the economy grows well and the internal demand is fortified, the investment finds a development scene optimal.

And if to the macroeconomic stability the institutional stability is added to him, far better. It is what explains what has come happening to the investment in Colombia, that is been growing to rates of two digits in the last years. Until here, we come well with the evolution of the Colombian economy, that finds in the economic growth, the improvement in the consumption and a greater level of investment a vicious circle but: Exist preoccupation centers? I understand that yes and that the preoccupation centers that persist find by the side of the external accounts and by the inflationary front Nothing outside the common thing in relation to the situation of the rest of the Latin American countries. With respect to the external sector, although in the first two months the Colombian trade balance registered a surplus of US$ 42.6 million, Colombia is being affected negatively reason why it happens to two of its main commercial partners: EE.UU and Venezuela. I do not create to add nothing new if I say that the negative impact from the EE.UU comes from the effects derived from the crisis by which it crosses the economy of the north, while the approval until the moment of the TLC on the part of the Congress of the EE.UU is not making him lose to Colombia many opportunities of growth.

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Laws Of The Universe

Your brain is designed to validate those beliefs that you have; it is why your beliefs become experiences in your life. It is important To modify those beliefs on the money that does not benefit to you. Changing your system of Beliefs you will modify your approach and your brain will only work to your favor validating in your experience those beliefs that you to the prosperity and the abundance. When modifying your beliefs , give your brain the opportunity to only focus in what is opportunities to you and possibilities so that is that in which you allow to believe and what you create you end up creating it in your own life. Usually people thinks about seeing to think, I invite you to create and then you willsee from your own experience. The most effective way to increase your internal value of creating wealth is deliberately to design the type of Beliefs that generate Prosperity to you. You cause everything that happens in your world through your thoughts.

Law Three: Law of the Attention: You create that one in which you focus on. Strategy 3: focus your goals , the route to wealth. The goals are powerful, concentrate your thought, they give approach you and they organize your internal world to obtain your desires. What is what I want and Why? You want an example clearer than it is theself fulfilling Prophecy? I put specific goals with dates. It remembers if faults in planning you are planning to fail. The goals are a statement of faith in yourself, it gives a powerful message him to your unconscious one of which you begin to trust you and in the life.

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Venezuelan Management

The venenezolano scene presents/displays great turbulences, political instability that has affected significantly economy, social, political, the cultural one and mainly in their enterprise productive sector where many companies have closed and others are with a low production that the consumer has affected significantly, dice to that many products have had to acquire from other countries to a nonfavorable price and taking step to a dependency of very harmful import. The certain thing, that before this reality, to the excellent incidence of the policies, programs. strategies of the present government have entailed to that today more than ever the Venezuelan management that confronts this reality it must be reorganized, generate new approaches administrative and mainly to know how to confront and to face the challenges. Before this evidence it does not surprise that it is said that the Venezuelan scene presents/displays great turbulences in the economic thing, political, social, cultural, educational that a generating management of changes demands, able to face the turbulences a roll, determinant in everything what can to lead to leave windy these turbulences. The Venezuelan management must adapt to the new knowledge that demand the present scenes, cannot remain anchored in the past, applying old woman theories, tools, models that attempt against the survival of the organizations where they toil. Today the scenes are more dynamic, put under constantly changes, innovations, to turbulences, where the Alliances are determining figures in the opening to conquer new markets. I consider that many of the characteristics that I show next, correspond more weaknesses than strengths since far from to grant to the organization productivity and competitiveness, generates retrabados, inefficiency and inefficiency. Weaknesses Are many the weaknesses that at the moment the management confronts that can be transformed in: Very little knowledge of the modern administration.

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Madrid Campaign

What squalor! The toledistas voting by Humala Hummm, hummm! How many ministries will ask to him? Begins repartija? By the way Toledo must be thankful to him to Brushes that he is not president thanks to the fact that introduced in the political debate the support to the abortion, the union gay and the legalization of the drug consumption, subjects other people’s to the Peruvians and that the Church Catholic finished burying. The thesis of which the unique party that endorses votes is the APRA turned into a myth. The announcement was a gross error that the apristas disciplined ones would vote by PPK. Here yes there was political blindness and worse still, it disobeyed it to the militancy. There they are the poor votings of Kuczynski in the north, that demonstrate the treason of one of their allies, the Alliance by the Progress of Coins, that only worried that the family Coins entered the Congress and they forgot the presidential candidacy. Of all ways, PPK had a great campaign thanks to their marketeros Hugo Otero and Abel Aguilar and to the use of social networks impelled by Baella. As Humala or has the sambenito of the chavismo, first that is going to do it is to take a new photo with fascinated Lula or to use the one that or it has and to spread it so that some Peruvians abran the mouth. He is able to look for the photo until with Pope Benedicto XVI.

Soon we will see in action its Brazilian marketeros to make up it. In addition, it is certainly the fight against the corruption will be one of its props in campaign. It must be regreting than it said in Madrid on the terrorist most bloodthirsty Abimael Guzmn, of which he was " Robin Hood ". What not it must to forget is what it is written in its plan of government, who is his great weakness, against which says in the average estrados ones and of diffusion.

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