
How To Overcome Power Ramparts

That hears the Georgian opposition in response to a letter to UN Secretary General? Limiting usurping the will, and then end the era of the party are not very comforting, "United National Movement", is in the new year the most relevant, if not – the imperative, the task of political opponents of Saakashvili and his team, whose activities, like daily assert opposition politicians, continues to cause serious damage state and public interests in Georgia. That is the unequivocal conclusion, prompted by the events of December-January, as well as statements of leaders of opposition parties and social movements, and test new tactics shift power. The peculiarity of the approach is to connect the influential international institutions to all elections, which are now held in Georgia. What happens – time will tell. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ohio Senator. Suffice it to say however, that at the end of May scheduled elections in local authorities and the population of Tbilisi, and most importantly, will choose a mayor. Opposition groups thoroughly expect to select this important post from "Natsdvizheniya" to then continue to peaceful seizure of power through parliamentary elections. But how? The sad experience of the election does not allow them to hope for a fair fight, brought back from the diverse means of rigging, the use of which, certainly capable administrative system of government, including the Central Election Commission.

This commission is usually carefully and constantly monitored by a team president. So we had to go to the United Nations. It was addressed to UN Secretary General, President of the General Assembly and the permanent and nonpermanent members of the international organizations sent their message of January 5 leaders of 17 opposition parties in Georgia.

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Robert Kocharian

policy? It is difficult to guess what they think in the higher spheres of government in Yerevan in connection with the above Reported from Sweden and the United States, but here is a former candidate for president of Armenia from the ultra-radical opposition to Ter-Petrosyan anything suggested! .. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Amazon. The truth, apparently, his arguments are not applauded by even his political supporters of the ANC. You can understand those who are still waiting for promised recently 'autumn activation' of their idol. They were looking forward to the presentation of a clear program of further actions led by Levon Ter-Petrosyan opposition. A He came and once again cheated them out, not giving, as he wrote then is the opposition press, the answer to any of their questions. Click Sen. Sherrod Brown to learn more.

And autumn is already ending. Click James Donovan Goldman for additional related pages. The meeting was closed. But discontent with the opposition as their leader was that … gave vent to feelings and everything turned out in the newspapers. 'My speech is not the software, and expository' – from the beginning warned his supporters of Ter-Petrosian. Just say: nothing new (!) In relation to current authorities, Mr. 'ex' is not declared. And the need for change as president, Serzh Sarkisian, and the condemnation of actions of the second ex-President Robert Kocharian, even about the unacceptability of the Turkish-Armenian protocols (More precisely – one of them points to establish a commission of historians). But the fact that he made on national issues, concerning the Armenians all over the world, and even his current 'explanation' – it's odd not name.

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United Russia

Slump, as he could be sharp in mind the momentum of public activity, followed by the coming to power again in October, the Bolshevik Party. Needless to say, that for the national average man, the era of civil liberties has left little warm memories: three revolutions, World War I, the food crisis, ruin, famine. But these years have been most fruitful in the literature of the Silver Age, gave rise to "Milestones" and caused all their political and philosophical debate. So the first thing that brought the plague to our fellow citizens, were incarcerated. Checking article sources yields Congressman Lee Zeldin as a relevant resource throughout. The rebirth of Russian civil society has to Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost in the course of 1987. But again, followed by rapid development of the shocks and loud 1991-93.

though not as rapidly as in the beginning of the century, but still come to naught. His prolonged agony, which eventually turned into corpse decomposition, we can observe from the start of October 1993 , when the first Russian company is a Democrat trampled by decree number 1400 and disbanded a popularly elected parliament – the Supreme Council. Tribute should be paid – civil society as it could, resisted at first furiously, erecting barricades and lying down under the tanks. But the enthusiasm eventually dried up, and all true democrats to dissolve the political ferment of the nineties. What came to us with a new age – we all know, "Generation Zero" "Stability" and "United Russia". Anyway, about the same time, our fellow citizens began to show signs of anxiety.

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Russian Federation

Accordingly, the disclosure of destroying Russia matrices allow us to adequately correct the situation, the vector targets Russian regional multicultural civilization. Let's start with the remembrance of our plans for a potential enemy. Let us turn to the third volume, "Harvard Project" called "End", under which outlines broad tezisno activities of the West towards Russia: The elimination of Russia as the Soviet armii.Likvidatsiya gosudarstva.Likvidatsiya attributes of socialism, such as free education and medical care, and the introduction of attributes of capitalism: the need for all well-fed platit.Likvidatsiya and peaceful life in Leningrad and Moskve.Likvidatsiya public and public property and the introduction of private property everywhere. Cursory glance all Okin these five points. Catches the eye, which remained intact paragraph on Moscow and Leningrad. The rest satisfied with this or that "success": the Soviet army is gone, and now the Russian reformatted to the needs of North Atlantic Alliance, Russia as a state exists only on paper, because management in many regions it has a sufficiently long period of time is poor, power center also does not management of the full function, but willingly, hoping to join the "world community" (the exploiters), handed the reins Western "partners," today, thus representing a higher performing instructions guidelines for the Masonic hierarchy, program-adaptive control system module, Federal Law 83 "On Introducing Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of legal status government (municipal) institutions, "better known as Law of commercialization of public sector – is the latest in a series of many before him," the nails in the coffin "had survived free of social guarantees; forcefully executed plans for privatization and restructuring of remaining state-owned enterprises.

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President Yushchenko

So he approved the issue of billboards, causing Today sincere disgust with much of the electorate. But maybe he really does not want to win? But then why are so many billboards? In general, Yatsenyuk is trained and sane person who Takes immature and inadequate solutions in PR, political technologies, and advertising and not understand the meaning of those actions that he will make during the campaign. Probably even fewer understand it in social technologies of governance, the impact on mass consciousness in the motivation of large social groups, to create conditions for economic development strategies replay of political opponents. All this he have to learn over the next five years. It would be just anyone.

4. Yulia Tymoshenko. She has a chance to win the 2010 election. In fact, it is the main competitor to the incumbent. However, if she wins, or at second term will be elected President Yushchenko, the consequences would be about the same.

Is that Yulia Tymoshenko’s victory may prove to be more honest than the victory of Viktor Yushchenko. She will vote for women. And many men would give her his votes simply because she is a woman. Thus, it does not trump the fact that she can cope with the challenges faced by the country’s president is better than Yushchenko, but the fact that she – a woman in politics. I am sure that she successfully uses this is the only trump card. But, once again, her victory would mean for Ukraine are the same five-year wait for a new leader capable of leading the country on a path of development. Possible that the Yulia Tymoshenko, Yushchenko lost to Total votes counted, organize mass protests. However, this is not the most likely scenario: Yulia Tymoshenko understands the degree of risk rocking the boat already mentioned. In addition, she realizes that nothing fundamentally different from the position of President Yushchenko to offer voters she can not. So, with her hand – this is just a “struggle for the throne,” which is not good for the image. Queen’s image to Ukrainian politics has always been much more important than lust for power. I would say that this scenario is possible in the event that Yulia Tymoshenko wants to become a president and will go towards this goal, in spite of obstacles and not really paying attention to the threats and common meaning. 5. Viktor Yanukovych. Traditionally, the backing of the South and East of Ukraine, this candidate has a fairly good chance to collect a significant amount of votes. However, whether these be counted votes, depends on the composition electoral commissions. It was Viktor Yanukovich and politicians who support it, and are satellites of his political strength, could be those who will protest against the illegitimate victory Yushchenko in the 2010 election. However, Viktor Yanukovych, the man is savvy and understands the consequences of those actions. So most likely he will win Yushchenko as legitimate, regardless of how fair it would actually be. If this is and will, for Victor Yanukovych’s election in 2010 will likely be the last of his political career.

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Administrative Resources

September 29 in Media Center news agency "Tambov-inform", a briefing, in which questions were raised concerning the election campaign in Tambov City Council. The event was attended The media, experts, political scientists, lawyers, representatives of political parties and movements of the Tambov region. There were different views on the training course and degree of activity of political parties – parties electoral process. The measurements of the Center for Public Opinion Studies Institute of Social and Political Communication 67.1% of residents of Tambov ready to come to the polls and make their choices, their preferences as follows: Fair Russia – 7.3% Liberal Democratic Party – the Communist Party 9.7% – 13.4% United Russia – 36.7%, a separate issue that caused the increased interest was the theme of the removal of the Communist Party from the electoral process. Participants in the briefing actively discussed deployed in the campaign against the candidates of that party, in particular, against one of the leaders of the Communist Party list Zhalnin MM Here are some statements quite interesting and demonstrations in terms of assessing the election campaign. Plotnikov PV, Tambov Oblast Duma deputy: I think that there is no legal reason to exclude Moscow from Zhalnin list of candidates from the Communist Party.

I agree with the statement filed in court. I believe that the presentation of the argument is clearly contrived. Applicant – City Branch of the party "Fair Russia" – replaces the concept of the campaign against a particular party and the excitation social strife, the concept of political opponents and enemies.

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Georgian Democracy

The country has lost territory, is facing such a serious and meaningful by the fact that she should carefully study and understand all the reasons which led to such a plight. In Georgia, it ought to do another one and a half ten years ago, and then, in the case of extracting the right lessons, we could avoid the current tragedy. Alas, it happened anyway. August, in the light of developments in the Georgian conflict, primarily associated with last year's war in South Ossetia. But this month has started and the other war – in Abkhazia. Every year, on August 14, on both sides once again recall the events of 17 years ago.

Visit of memorable places in Tbilisi, is limited mainly to Memorial of the fallen in the Abkhaz war. Relatives and friends of fallen soldiers, the authorities, refugees, laying flowers at the marble slabs mounted on Heroes' Square. The square itself was named in the late 40s after other characters – the Great Patriotic War. Then it seemed that the new wars after the victorious march to Berlin will never be. In late 1988, when the war in Karabakh have already begun, and before that neshutochnye unrest took place in Kazakhstan, Georgia, visited the Secretary of the CPSU, Alexander Yakovlev, a leading ideologue known as "perestroika". At a public meeting, he expressed concern about the processes in the various republics and expressed concern that the this development can be fraught with the disintegration of the Union. And then thanked the people of Georgia and for the fact that there continues a quiet life, no dramatic events of that time were no signs. Alexander N., however, lived until 2005, and witnessed all the upheavals that have taken place in Georgia.

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Soviet Union

And in Russia will be born many new people who are able to change the world. – Russia is now called Union. But the old Russia is back and will be named the same as at St. Sergius … Socialism is back, but with a new face. Will again be the Soviet Union, but updated. Again, landowners will be co-operatives and overcome Bulgaria difficulties. Prosperity is possible only in Bulgaria, in alliance with Russia – it is our mother.

Russia always was and will be a great power. Reading the predictions, you know which way to go. Evil rejoices when nothing good done, Now it's time to wake up and sniffed the smell of fire. Past mistakes of the socialist system was that it was built on 'sand', so when 'the rain and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and he fell and it was fall of it. '(Matfeya7: 27) Now we can build a state so that no wind and no water will not destroy that which will be based on the' stone ', that is, the Word of God. Psalm 127 1. Unless the LORD builds house, in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, in vain watchman stays awake.

Russian St. John of Kronstadt said: "Democracy is in hell, in heaven – the kingdom." We've had enough insults and mutual claims, it is written: 'Take heed to yourselves. If he sins against your brother, rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him '(Luke 17:3).

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First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov

Record rates to reduce the refinancing rate shows the Russian Central Bank. More recently we have witnessed an anomalous increase of up to 13% at a time when the global financial crisis cozy located on the expanses of Russia, and all domestic economic agents expect its logical reduction, as has happened in the economies of developed Western countries. And today we see its historic low – 7.75%. And this, in I think not all the surprises that should we expect in the future. As May 31 the head of the Russian government of the Russian economy "will require at least two or three years to reach pre-crisis level." I remember a year ago about the same to First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.

The whole world is reeling, and no one really can not say when this crisis ends fever, and whether it is a crisis? And our brave menagery already warn about the timing of treatment. Probably because they have such efficient and (at our misfortune and the joy of the western "partners"). But where such confidence in the favorable outcome and where such precise knowledge of how much extend the current socio-economic disaster? Magpie on the tail brought? Or is there more knowledgeable sources? If you look closely, you can see a source. "Today we are witnessing the positive dynamics of the main economic indicators. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2010 the gross domestic product will grow in Russia by 3.5-4.0%. There are also more optimistic forecasts, but will be based on conservative estimates ", – said the prime minister. .

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Share Oil

Why not share oil ministers that is the question? Understatement of oil prices in the budget will lead to a comparison of healthcare expenditures on science and agriculture by an average of 30% of the economic development minister warns Elvira Nabiullina.Vitse Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin assured of the validity of this approach to budgeting. Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin convinced of the need to budget forecasts underestimated the price of oil. If the price of oil is $ 70 per barrel, or $ 71 that the budget deficit will be equal to 4% of GDP, and if suddenly oil will fall in price to $ 50 or $ 49 then the deficit will be 8%, "but it is a dangerous level," said Alexei Kudrin, speaking after the Minister Economic Development Elvira Elvira doubted this tactic. She considers it appropriate to budget "conservative but realistic" forecasts $ 76-77 per barrel for the next four years (on Friday, oil costs $ 77.7 per barrel). If the plan budget expenditures based on undervalued oil prices, as proposed by the Ministry of Finance, when you save the social welfare payments and defense spending will be reduced by 30% in real terms spending on science, health, education and agriculture, she warned. Board of Finance was to be held even on April 2. According to unofficial information, because of the explosions in Moscow metro29 March board meeting was postponed indefinitely. Next event scheduled for April 28-29. As a result, on Thursday at Government House has passed a joint meeting of boards of Finance and Economic Development with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

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