-Study of existing different models of mediation and its application combined with the contexts of multiculturalism. -The conception of intercultural mediation as one of the modalities of the general mediation. -The idea of the specificity of the intercultural mediation lies in:-the difference between the parties. -The effective relevance of such differentiation in the problem to tackle. -The importance of the cultural background of the mediator. -The objective of interculturality:-an anthropological concept of culture Emphasizing its diverse and changing nature. -The thesis that is average in and about social situations of significant multiculturalism. -The thesis of the baggage, identity and cultural belonging of the intercultural mediator must not necessarily correspond to one of the cultures in relationship that can mediate between different backgrounds.
-The intercultural perspective, as complementary to multiculturalism and exceeded its limits, emphasizing the interaction positive among the parties and the ordinary. More info: Connecticut Senator. -Enlargement in intercultural mediation of an approach and multifactorial methodology that distinguishes and interrelates personal, situational and cultural factors. OBJECTIVES: Intercultural social mediation is a modality of intervention of third parties in and about social situations of significant multiculturalism among social actors or institutions etnoculturalmente differentiated in order to: 1. get the recognition of the other and the rapprochement of the parties. 2. The communication and mutual understanding.
3. The regulation of conflicts. 4. The institutional adequacy. The main objective is to encourage intercultural coexistence, working on the construction of a society where cultural diversity does not involve an intractable conflict, but new forms of social relationship built from management and reformulation of the conflict and the wealth that leads to the multicultural contexts. It involves work in favour of social cohesion and integration of all individuals and groups on an equal footing:-prevent and resolve conflicts. -Promote communication, rapprochement, mutual understanding, dialogue and encounter, overcoming prejudices and the momentum of change in attitudes. -Promote changes in society, the institutional adaptation and growth of the individual as the basis for integration. Mediation should not be limited to mediation in specific sessions as it aims to reach a broader goal of intercultural coexistence. This can speak of two levels of mediation:- One in a broad sense, in that the action mediator focuses on the knowledge of the reality, the identification of problems and the adequacy of resources. -Another in the strict sense, which corresponds to the interpersonal mediation, meaning by this that that there are some parties clearly identified through specific individuals (whether individuals or representatives of institutions or entities). With this double level of mediation works from a triple perspective:-mediation in broad sense opens the way to the mediation of interpersonal, pose when they are necessary or desirable. -Mediation in its two levels contributes to the prevention and early resolution of conflict in contexts of cultural diversity. -Both in the broad sense as interpersonal mediation is also an instrument to promote the intercultural coexistence. Mediation in broad sense part of the same principles as the mediation in interpersonal session, is say, the methodology applied in the interventions that make up this extensive mediation used principles and instruments of mediation as the reformulation, contextualization, the recontextualization, the point of view of the other, work in a context where there is a clearly recognizable parts, etc.
| May 26th, 2018 | Posted in General |