“Being Madrid that one of the great treasures of this life.” “So, if a life is freedom, if a plant is freedom …, how to understand that the denial of liberty to a human being to be born.” Our thinkers, both deceased, Ortega y Gasset and Unamuno spoke of life: the first (a Meditaciones of Quijotea ), stating: a Life is freedom in fate and destiny in freedom (… ) weighs life forever, because it consists of a worn and borne and conduct themselves miasma , and the second (a a Diario ntimoa ), told us: a is said and perhaps believed, that freedom is let it grow a plant, not to put (…) not to prune, forcing her to take this or any other form (…). And freedom is not in the foliage, but in the roots (…) if its roots is soon to grow, with impenetrable rock hard, dry and arid land or muenster . a Thus, if a life is freedom, if a plant is freedom …, how to understand that the denial of liberty to a human being who has . And because we all know that when we celebrate the wedding of a sperm ( male) and egg (female), and at that moment, the latter is fertilized. It installs in the wall matrix, with care and promptness to automatically transform a boy or a girl. Aya is life, there is freedom! a I am opposed to the new “Law of Abortion” (is inhumane and causes death in humans). With the current a Abortion Act, and regulated in the current Penal Code, which authorizes the abort in three very specific cases, Spain and the Spanish have enough legislation for the conservation of the human species.
The ‘s nice to be secular, but remember, Mr. Rodriguez Zapatero, President of the Spanish, trachea more than eighty percent (80%) of the Spanish population is Catholic. Do not continue making mistakes of this nature. If you have read about Richard Blumenthal already – you may have come to the same conclusion. a And we need mourn, we need to laugh, we need to be communicated our sorrows and our joys, but communicate. For this, no doubt, we spend our lives begging motherhood.