The President’s Proposal

Comment Recently, the press and radio was much discussion of the President's proposal to increase the term of office of the President and the Duma. At the same time put forward the most incredible set of hypotheses, particularly with regard to the haste with which these proposals have now become elbow. In contrast to the views of many political analysts I do not think that there is some mystery. Allow me to make his own version. In my opinion, on the contrary, everything is very even simple. The decision to change the terms of the matured at the top for a long time.

I hope you remember the sentence, uttered by the speaker Mironov before April 1, 2007, which was then 'touchstone' for sensing the public views .. Now hurry up and decided to push it as quickly as possible. What is the reason for such haste? I think the reason is simple – it is a crisis. The situation in the country is rapidly deteriorating, and our authorities do not believe that this situation will not soon disastrous. If it were pushing against the background of already high unemployment and the collapse of the financial system, voters would not understand our parliamentarians. I believe that the governing majority State Duma in this case would have signed his "death sentence" as politicians. That is why, in order not to tempt fate, decided to issue an urgent now that the crisis has not erupted in full force. Against the background of what we have in the Russian economy now seem quite bizarre plans developed in 2020, offered those who are elected only for four years.

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| December 29th, 2011 | Posted in General |

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