The State

The simple fact of the followers accepts ' ' no' ' to express itself freely on the public medias, considering the concept of supposedly untouchable the real sacralidade. How to admit that the Moroccans can refuse a text considered for the Commander of the fidiciary offices? Under pressure of the street, the monarchy is trying to place its basic question: between the democracy and the sacralidade, which the choice. Not necessarily conscientious of these challenges underlying politicians in which we envolvimos, the street, it wait concrete signals of change. Already, the repression of a pacific manifestation in Casablanca, 13 of March, hangs in the doubt. Why this violence, if some days but later, the king had promised the democracy? All the eyes are fixed in the next sunday, 20 of March, the date announced for the massive manifestations. Many writers such as Amazon offer more in-depth analysis. The State seems not to have good option.

If it to decide to leave to fall the mask, if the State dicide to restrain the people, the scaling risk is high. Preocupao of the authorities, the king could not be touched by the manifestants, but at the same time fearing that this opens the field for a Egipciano scene. If, for the opposite, the State takes the foot and leaves the manifestations if they uncurl without a hook, this went to stimulate the people to go down still more in the street and to intensify the pressure. Early or late, Mohammed VI must answer the aspirations of the people. Until how much and until point? Difficult to foresee, while the situation is distorbida and uncertain a thing is certain: the box of Pandora of the democracy is opened and nobody will close. Lahcen EL MOUTAQI, Consultant, Professor ' ' it is researcher of the University Mohmmed VI Rabat.

| March 21st, 2018 | Posted in General |

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