The main contribution, and positive, triggering the coup of then (1945) is that promulgates universal suffrage, direct and secret for Venezuelans over 18 years, and so undermines the sharp practice and impose continuity of the Presidency of the candidates Republic strongman mode in operation as electoral system since 1830 (Medina Angarita then walked on it). Not surprisingly, MPJ be reluctant to ignore the caudal paradigm, evolving into its original condition dictatorial taking any action that would give less coverage to the popular will and democratic practices, even in the case of those in whose adoption he participated Somehow, referring to his taking part in the overthrow of Medina Angarita and subsequent reforms conducted by the Board. It may be assumed further that MPJ important part of a feeling that guided the commission of a coup against Medina Angarita: compensation for military symbolism, humiliated by civilians. The rapid return and Lopez Contreras Medina Angarita, who had gone into exile, they suggest. The bourgeoisie, affects the outset to dictatorship, ended up supporting his ouster, mainly because the government’s fiscal crisis hit the banking industry, commercial and industrial. The government had difficulty paying those who had become dependent on their payments.
The church shone through a stand against the regime. That is, the end of 1957 only a civil-military clique unconditionally supported the dictator, and the opposition was a conglomeration of social groups: political parties, workers, peasants, students, military and much of the middle class. The conspiracy and fall: the spirit of revolution and unity 1957.
| October 15th, 2017 | Posted in General |