Venezuelan University Worker

" To educate is not to give race to live, but to temper the soul for the difficulties of vida." Pitgoras. The reality is extremely worrisome that confronts the Venezuelan universities, especially the public ones, that besides confronting a serious crisis budgetary that opposite the challenges that the present demand, especially the country, that presents/displays a turbulent scene, uncertain in the politician, economic, cultural, this concerning the measures that the government has decreed with respect to the increase of pays, specifically 40% for the educational ones that never will cover the expectations to assure a good quality life, quite the opposite, are continued discrediting the university worker. Facts like these, especially for those who we have been educational per years, entail to evaluate what these measures represent and how they affect the quality of life of the university worker, beyond the political ideology, but, before an economic reality that it demands of evaluation before an inflation that it has significant incidence in rickety lalos income that an educational one in all levels perceives. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ohio Senator. He is not objectionable therefore, the last declarations that have declared the vicedirector academic of the University of Carabobo, Red Ulises, when it says, in a declaration on the subject in the Notitarde Newspaper, that the National Government wants to discredit the university worker, as well as the paper of the houses of studies of the country in the Venezuelan society, with the wage increase of 40 percent decreed by the President of the Republic. It maintained that the referred increase constitutes " insulto" for the educational personnel, administrative and working of the universities, " since merecemos&quot is very below which;. It essentially asserts that equality of conditions in comparison with the rest of the workers of the country does not exist, those that toil in the public sector. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Congressman Lee Zeldin. This is a serious reality, where there is a Homologation of pays and no right repayment, equitable, especially, towards the educational ones, (our case) that one assumes they must well to be remunerated, since their roll, is very excellent for a country, because they are the ones in charge to enable, to train the different professionals who are needed and to guarantee a to him each sector where they evolve, a successful operativity that contributes to make effective the plans of government in economic, development, productivity. . .

| July 13th, 2018 | Posted in General |

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