Visual Basic

Visual Basic (VB 5.00) 5.00 introduced highly significant improvements, such as database management, controls on user or VBX (father of the OCXs and ActiveX), management of menus and controls much more refined and handling of controls for graphics, a higher resolution and an achieved improvement in the appearance of the controls by the which applications were taking a more professional tone. Anyway, for those who more than 10 years ago remain to this faithful friend (Visual Basic), the version that more followers had, has and (I don’t think having too long) is the Visual Basic 6.00. Where already handle databases that comes to mind, through the ODBC (data Interfaces), we handle more portable and efficient user controls, handle more elaborate deploy tools and everything on many platforms. It is that VB 6.00, is precisely the language that has withstood more operating systems. Since Windows 98, XP, Me, 2000, and because no 2003 (may work in Windows Vista, but I can not make it). No doubt hundreds of thousands of programmers have opted to this language and this version, that I think it is the most famous. But the 6.00 VB (Visual Basic 6.00) has an enemy who has declared war to more than 3 years ago.

I refer to the Visual Basic .NET or VB.NET. Those who were lucky enough to be able to train us in that language and learn the basics and also advanced, we know that compare to the VB 6.00 with the VB.NET is equivalent to compare a car with a truck. Visual Basic .NET, came to stay many years among us, sincerely not must speak a language in particular but of the very Framework, (set of classes and name spaces) that would be a kind of magic box that contains thousands of classes that automate security issues, with his robust and powerful ADO.NET database (so far resemble the traditional ADO)with a wonder of rectification, return to distribute applications without the need for installers, no additions to the system registry.

| January 23rd, 2014 | Posted in General |

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